Erubhin or Miscellanies Christian and Iudaicall, and others Penned for recreation at vacant houres. By Iohn Lightfoote, Master in Arts, sometimes of Christs Colledge in Cambridge.
- Title
- Erubhin or Miscellanies Christian and Iudaicall, and others Penned for recreation at vacant houres. By Iohn Lightfoote, Master in Arts, sometimes of Christs Colledge in Cambridge.
- Author
- Lightfoot, John, 1602-1675.
- Publication
- London :: Printed By G. Miller for Robert Swayne and William Adderton, and are to be sold [by R. Michell] at the Bulls head in Pauls Church-yard,
- 1629.
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- Subject terms
- Jews -- History -- To 70 A.D. -- Early works to 1800.
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"Erubhin or Miscellanies Christian and Iudaicall, and others Penned for recreation at vacant houres. By Iohn Lightfoote, Master in Arts, sometimes of Christs Colledge in Cambridge." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 16, 2024.
- title page
TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL, right learned, and right ver∣tuous Knight, Sir ROVVLAND
COTTON. I. L wisheth all present and future felicitie. - To the Reader.
CAP. II. Of the Names of
GOD vsed byIewes andGentiles. -
CAP. III. Of the Phrase
The Sonnes of God, Gen. 6. and Iob. 1. -
CAP. IIII. Of the Phrase
Sonnes of Man. - CAP. V. Of Iaphets plantation by his sonne Iauan.
- CAP. VI. Of Iewish Learning.
CAP. VII. Of the
Talmud. - CAP. VIII. Talmudisme.
- CAP. IX. Of the Cabalists.
- CAP. X. Gedeons Armie. Iosh. 7.
CAP. XI. A Ierusalem
Tenet, ex Kim∣chio in Praefat. to the small Prophets. -
CAP. XII. Nun inuersum
Num. 10. & 11. - CAP. XIII. Of the Massorites.
- CAP. XIIII. Of the marginall readings.
Kimchio in Ionah 1. - CAP. XVI. Of sacrifice.
- CAP. XVII. A Iust Iudgement.
- CAP. XVIII. Of the name of the Red Sea.
CAP. XIX. Of the word
Raca. Mat. 5.22. - CAP. XX. Wit stollen by Iewes out of the Gospell.
CAP. XXI. Saint
Cyprians nicety about the last Petition in the Lords Prayer. - CAP. XXII. Septuaginta interpreters.
- CAP. XXIII. The Septuagint ouer-authorized by some.
- CAP. XXIIII. Phrases taken from Iewes in the New Testament.
CAP. XXV. Niniuehs conuersion:
Ionah 3. - CAP. XXVI. Of the Iewes Sacraments, Cir∣cumcision, and Passeouer.
- CAP. XXVII. Of the Passeouer.
- CAP. XXVIII. Of the Confusion of Tongues.
- CAP. XXIX. Of letters.
- CAP. XXX. Of the Hebrew tongue.
- CAP. XXXI. Of Vowels.
- CAP. XXXII. Of the Language of two Testa∣ments.
- CAP. XXXIII. Of the New Testament Lan∣guage, or the Greeke.
- CAP. XXXIIII. Of the Chaldee and Syrian Tongues.
- CAP. XXXV. Of the Arabian Language.
- CAP. XXXVI. Of the Latine Tongue.
CAP. XXXVII. The Language of Brittaine neere a thousand yeares ago.
Ex Be∣da lib. 1. de Hist. Angl. Cap. 1. - CAP. XXXVIII. Ionathan the Chaldee Paraphrast his conceit of Leuies choosing to the Priesthood: translated out of his Paraph. on Gen. 32.24.
CAP. XXXIX. Of the Iewes abbreuiature.
Mazkir neshamoth: or the Re∣membrancer of soules: in the Iewes liturgy: printed at Venice. - CAP. XLI. Of the Latine translation of Mat. 6.1.
- CAP. XLII. An Embleme.
- CAP. XLIII. Mahhanaijm. Gen. 32.2.
- CAP. XLIIII. The booke of Psalmes.
- CAP. XLV. Of the Creation.
- CAP. XLVI. The time and manner of the Creation.
- CAP. XLVII. Of the fall of Adam.
- CAP. XLVIII. Ophitae Euia.
CAP. XLIX. Of the
Greeke Translation of the fifth ofGenesis. - CAP. L. Vpon the words: The seede of the wo∣man shall breake the Serpents head.
- CAP. LI. Iewish hypocriticall prayers, reproued by our Sauiour, Mat. 6.5. Because they loue to stand praying in the Syna∣gogues and corners of the streets.
- CAP. LII. Israels affliction in Aegypt.
CAP. LIII. Israels Campe: according to the
Chaldee Paraphrast his de∣scription: Num. 2. -
Iob. - CAP. LV. Egyptians Deities, ex Athenae. Deipn. Lib. 7.
CAP. LVI. Of the Law broken by
Adam. - CAP. LVII. Of the Law giuen at Sinai.
- CAP. LVIII. Why the Law was published then and not before.
- CAP. LIX. Of the place where it was giuen, and manner.
- CAP. LX. Of the effects of the Law.
- CAP. LXI. Of the Ten Commandements.