Erubhin or Miscellanies Christian and Iudaicall, and others Penned for recreation at vacant houres. By Iohn Lightfoote, Master in Arts, sometimes of Christs Colledge in Cambridge.
Lightfoot, John, 1602-1675.

CAP. XLI. Of the Latine translation of Mat. 6.1.

ALmes in Rabbin Hebrew are cal∣led 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉Tsedhakah righteousnesse, which word the Syrian Translator vseth, Mat. 6.1. Act. 10.2. and in other places. From this custome of speech, the Roman vulgar Translateth, At∣tendite ne iustitiam vestram faciatis: Page  139 One English old manuscript Testa∣ment, is in Lichfield Librarie, which hath it thus after the Latine: Takith hede that you do not your rigtwisnes be∣fore men to be seyne of hem, ellis ye shul∣len haue no mede at your fadir that is in heuenes. Other English Translation, I neuer saw any to this sense; nor any Greeke coppie. It seemes the Papist will rather Iudaize for his owne ad∣uantage, then follow the true Greeke, The Septuagint in some places of the old Testamēt, haue turned Tsedhakah Righteousnesse, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 Almesdeeds, to little or to no sense. As the Papists haue in this place of the new Testa∣ment, turned 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 Almesdeeds, by 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 Righteousnesse, to as little purpose. In the Hebrew indeed, one word is vsed for both: Tsedhakah for Almesdeeds, which properly signifies Righteousnesse; vpon what ground I know not, vnlesse it be, to shew that * Almes must be giuen of rightly got∣ten good, or else they are no rihte∣ousnesse: Page  140 or they are called zadkatha in Syrian, Hu ger Zadek lemehwo, they are called righteousnesse, because it is right they should be giuen, and giuen rightly. The Fathers of the Councell of Trent speake much of the merit of Almes; whom one may answer in the very words of their vulgar, Attendite ne iustitiam vestram faciatis. Take heed you do not make them your Iu∣stification.