A briefe and plaine instruction to set all musicke of eight diuers tunes in tableture for the lute With a briefe instruction how to play on the lute by tablature, to conduct and dispose thy hand vnto the lute, with certaine easie lessons for that purpose. And also a third booke containing diuers new excellent tunes. All first written in French by Adrian Le Roy, and now translated into English by F. Ke. gentleman.
- Title
- A briefe and plaine instruction to set all musicke of eight diuers tunes in tableture for the lute With a briefe instruction how to play on the lute by tablature, to conduct and dispose thy hand vnto the lute, with certaine easie lessons for that purpose. And also a third booke containing diuers new excellent tunes. All first written in French by Adrian Le Roy, and now translated into English by F. Ke. gentleman.
- Author
- Le Roy, Adrian, ca. 1520-1598.
- Publication
- Imprinted at London :: By [Ihon Kyngston for] Iames Rowbothome, and are to be sold in Pater noster row at the signe of the Lute,
- Anno. 1574.
- Rights/Permissions
To the extent possible under law, the Text Creation Partnership has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above, according to the terms of the CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). This waiver does not extend to any page images or other supplementary files associated with this work, which may be protected by copyright or other license restrictions. Please go to http://www.textcreationpartnership.org/ for more information.
- Subject terms
- Lute -- Instruction and study -- Early works to 1800.
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- Cite this Item
"A briefe and plaine instruction to set all musicke of eight diuers tunes in tableture for the lute With a briefe instruction how to play on the lute by tablature, to conduct and dispose thy hand vnto the lute, with certaine easie lessons for that purpose. And also a third booke containing diuers new excellent tunes. All first written in French by Adrian Le Roy, and now translated into English by F. Ke. gentleman." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A05334.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 8, 2024.
- title page
- The Bookes verdict.
- To the Right Honorable and my very good Lord the Lord Edward Seamour, Vis∣count Beauchamp, Erle of Hertford. I. R. wisheth long lyfe, perfect helth, encrease of honour, and endles Felicitie.
- To my very good Ladie my Ladie the Countesse of Retz.
- The Preface of Iacques Gohory. vnto the curteous Reader.
- An Instruction to set all Musicke in Tablature for the Lute. The Preface of the Author.
- The first Chapter of the first Tune of Musicke.
- ¶The seconde Chapiter of the seconde Tune.
- ¶The thirde Chapiter, of the third Tune.
- ¶The fowerth Chapiter. Of the fowerth Tune.
- ¶The fifte Chapiter of the fifte Tune.
- ¶The sixt Chapiter of the sixt Tune.
- ¶The seuenth Chapiter of the seuenth Tune.
- ¶The eight Chapiter, of the eight Tune.
- ¶The nineth Chapiter.
❧A brief instruction how to plaie on the Lute by Tablatorie, with certaine easie lessons for the purpose: gathered together: to the greate commoditie and pleasure of the learner of the same. By
A.R▪ - ¶The first Rule.
- ¶The seconde Rule.
- ¶The thirde Rule.
- ¶The fowerth Rule.
- ¶The fifte Rule.
- ¶The sixte Rule.
- ¶The seuenth Rule.
- ¶The eight Rule.
- ¶The nineth Rule.
- ¶The tenth Rule.
- ¶The eleuenth Rule.
- ¶The twelfth Rule.
- ¶The thirtene Rule.
- ¶The fowertene Rule.
- ¶The fiftene Rule.
- ¶The sixtene Rule.
- ¶The seuentene Rule.
- ¶The eightene Rule.
- ¶The ninetene Rule.
- ¶The twentie Rule.
- ¶The one and twentie Rule.
- ¶The twoo and twentie Rule.
- ¶The three and twentie Rule.
- ¶The fower and twentie Rule,
- ¶The fiue and twentie Rule.
- ❧The thirde booke for the Lute, conteinyng diuerse Psalmes, and many fine excellente Tunes, sette forthe by A.R. the aucthour thereof.
- colophon