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Title:  Batman vppon Bartholome his booke De proprietatibus rerum, newly corrected, enlarged and amended: with such additions as are requisite, vnto euery seuerall booke: taken foorth of the most approued authors, the like heretofore not translated in English. Profitable for all estates, as well for the benefite of the mind as the bodie. 1582.
Author: Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, 13th cent.
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owne place, that is ordained thereto by kind, yet by the common speking, weight and heauinesse is all one: for things that moue down ward be called weighty, for their heauinesse, and things that moue vpward, are called light things: and so light and weight be diuided as contra∣ries. Therefore li. 15. Isidor. sayth, that a weight is called Pensum, hanging: for it hangeth in the ballaunce, when it is commonly weyed, and in this wise for to speake commonly, the thing in ye which a thing as wayed, is called a weight: and somtime the thing that is weyed, & som∣time maie things & heuy, by the which the heuines is assaied, is called a weight.Also instruments in the which things be weighed, haue diuers names: For Trutina is of double weyght, and Lanx is the hanging for to wey gret weights, as humorous, and talents, & small balan∣ces, for to weye small things and lyttle money.The ballance is called Statera, & hath that name of Stando, standing, for hee standeth euen weyed by a thing yt bea∣reth it vp in the middle.Lances be the thin brasen bolles, of the which in the one is the weight, and the thing that is weighed is in the o∣ther, and the weight to rightfull, when both ye bols hang euē with their weights and alyke high.The tongue that followeth the more heauie boll, is called Momentum state∣re, and the hgles by the which ye bal∣lance hangeth, and the heuinesse of bols be ayed, is called Filum as he saith: & euery weight hath a certaine maner, and proper name, as Isi. saith.The least parte of weight is cal∣led Calculus, and the fourth parte of weight Obolus and weieth two greins of Tilles and is called Calculus, for it is so lettil that it maye not be troden and . is the twentieth part of Soli∣de, and hath this name of a fruits of a .Obolus weieth three Huoles, and was of brasse, shapen as an ar∣row, ye name thereof, for an arrow is called Obolus in Greeke, as he saith.Scrupulus weyeth sixe Huoles, & is called Dragma in Greek, and this name Scrupus is a diminitiue of , that is a little stone.Dragma is the eight part of Vncia and weyeth three pence of siluer.Scrupulus, that is the eighteenth Hu∣olus, is called Denarius, and is accoun∣ted for ten pence, as he sayth.(Drachma the 3. part of an ounce, a dramme: also a coyne signed with a Bullocke, counterpesing and old sterling groase, of eight to the ounce. Drachma au. 12 siluer drams that is, an ounce & halfe of siluer)Solide hath that name, for it seemeth that he lacketh nothing: and therefore men in old time called a thing that was whole and vnbroken, Solidum & Totū. Also a shilling containeth 12. pence.Numisma is a penie, and is called so, and is marked with the print fo ye name of a Prince: for first Numilida was a penie of siluer, as Isid. saith.Solidus is called Sextula, & hath that name for it weyeth 16. ounces: ye com∣mon people calleth the third deale ther∣of Trimisus, for such three maketh So∣lide, and two Sextules maketh Dulco, & three maketh Stater, as Isid. saith.Stater is halfe an ounce, and wayeth three golden Solide, yt is called Stater, for it standeth in the Solide, & is called also Semiuncia, for it hath ye half of an oūce, & is called Semisus also, for it weyeth Se∣misus, as it is Semisus, half Assis as he saith also Assis is ye left among weights as one is least among numbers, as the Glose saith there. Nonne duo, &c.obtaer a certaine coyne, in value foure drm, or foure groats, 8. to an ounce of these were & old siluer Romans coynes.Fiue Quadrans; weyeth the fourthe deale of an ounce, & is called Quadrans in Hebrew.(Quadrant the fourth part of As, that is three ounces, also the fourth part of a∣ny number, as measure. In coyne it is a brasen parte, called Frienx in value the tenth part of sestertius. The accord in recning where the receipt and allow∣ance be equall. Quadrans vino , 6. ounces of Wine, after udey . After 0