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Title:  Batman vppon Bartholome his booke De proprietatibus rerum, newly corrected, enlarged and amended: with such additions as are requisite, vnto euery seuerall booke: taken foorth of the most approued authors, the like heretofore not translated in English. Profitable for all estates, as well for the benefite of the mind as the bodie. 1582.
Author: Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, 13th cent.
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vnneth knowen, for they be more sharpe without then the other be, therefore that sharpnesse is more without then within. But these yt be feined may not bée kept passing 20. daies. Good cloues haue ver∣tue to comfort by the good sauour of thē, & to temper and to wast by the qualities of them, & they comfort the braine & the vertue of féeling, and helpeth against fai∣ling of the heart, and comfort well the spirituall vertue, and helpe also agaynst indignation and ach of the stomacke, that commeth of colde ventositie, for they helpe the naturall vertue, Huc vs{que} Di∣oscorides.(Additiō.Cloues hath vertue to comfort the sinewes, also to consume and dissolue su∣perfluous humours, they be hot and drie in the third degrée: sodden with milke, it comforteth the debilitie of nature. Sir T. Eliot. 2. boo. cha. 17. Gariopillus is the cloue Bilowflowre, and Garlophyllata is Hearbe Bennet, whose roote smelleth as the Cloue.)Of Genesta. chap. 80.GEnesta, Broome, hath that name of bitternesse, for it is full bitter to mans tast, & is a shrub that groweth in a place that is forsaken, stony, & vntilled. Presence therof is witnesse, yt the ground is barren and drie, that it groweth in. And hath many braunches knottye and hard, that be gréene in Winter, and yeo∣low flowres in Summer, thick wrapped with heauie smell and bitter sauour, and be neuerthelesse most of vertue, as Dio∣scorides sayth. For the broth of ye leaues thereof abateth swelling of the splene, and helpeth against the tooth ach, & strai∣neth menstruall bloud, and stauncheth the bloudie flire. And the iuyce thereof slayeth lice and nits, and the féede thereof is bitter and blacke, and is in long cods and blacke growen, as it were cods of Fetches of Pesen, and is good to the fore∣said things.(Additiō.Genista, Broome, whereof Besomes are made to swéepe houses: Broome flo∣wers mixed with Swines grease, swa∣geth the paine of the gout, béeing applied thereto.)Of Grano. chap. 81.A Graine is the least parte both of the seede and of the Trée, dealed and de∣parted and distinguished in substaunce. In euery graine is both pith and rinde, in the which pith abideth the cause and reason seminall, that a plant may spring thereof, to multiply things of that kinde, and to saue them in kinde béeing. And so a graine is full lyttle of substaunce, of pith, and rinde, and is neuerthelesse long and mightie in effect and vertue seminal. And as graines be diuerse in kinde, so they be diuerse in figure & shape, in place and disposition. Héereof Aristo. speaketh libro primo de Plantis, and sayeth, That some graine and séede is gendered in plants or cods, as it fareth in Annes séed, and in Feuell séede, or other such. And some is gendered in cods and hulls: as it fareth in Beanes, and in other cod ware. And some beare séede in hath shalls, and in cappes without aboue the shalles, as Nuts and Oliues. And some graines be ordeined in hard cores within the fruite, as it fareth in Apples and in Peares. Graines, yt be ordeined in cods & in hulls be diuerse in many manner wise in place, for some be multiplyed in coddes, as it fareth in Celidonye, which is a good hearbe for the eien, & some séede is inclo∣sed in the cod and hull, as the Erane and the Pease. And some in hull not closed, as Wheate and other such. And some graine is neither in cod neither in hull, as Early, but the graine is conteined to the Strawe. And some is double with∣out Interclose, as it fareth in Celidonie, and some is double with Interclose, as the graine of Nasturcium, Cresses, or towne Cars. And some is double or tre∣ble in diuers cells in the cod, as it fareth in Mirtus. In the fruit thereof bée thrée celles, and in euery cell thrée graynes or foure ioyned without Interclose, and thicke betwéene the graines, as in Casia fistula, and sometime thicke and softe Interclose, as in Cucumer, & Cucurbita. And sometime graines haue the Inter∣close of diuerse substaunce, and of diuers kinde, as in Pomegranardes. Therein 0