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Title:  Batman vppon Bartholome his booke De proprietatibus rerum, newly corrected, enlarged and amended: with such additions as are requisite, vnto euery seuerall booke: taken foorth of the most approued authors, the like heretofore not translated in English. Profitable for all estates, as well for the benefite of the mind as the bodie. 1582.
Author: Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, 13th cent.
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It is the signe of meane loue as Astro∣nomers tell, as the foresayde Authour meaneth. The third aspect is from ye fift signe to the ninth. Ensample. A Planet that is in the beginning of Aries, hath aspect to him that is in Leone before him and to him that is in Sagittario, after him, that is the night signe. And this as∣pect is called Tercios, and Trinus also: for it conteineth the third parte of hea∣uen, that is fire score degrées, & this as∣pect is best. For it is in the signe of per∣fect friendship and loue, as the Authour sayth.Notes re∣quisite.The fourth aspect is from the fourth signe and the ninth. Ensample. A Planet that is the beginning of Aries, hath as∣pect to him that is in the head of Cancer before him, & to the Planet that is in the head of Capricornus after him, or behind that is the tenth signe. And this is called Qitartus, the fourth: For it conteineth the fourt parte of heauen, that is foure score degrees and tennt. And this aspect is euill: for it is the signe of wrath and enuyd, and enmitie, and in perfection, as the foresaid Authour sayth. And coniunc∣tion & appostion be not aspects: but som∣time they be called aspects by misersing & chaunging of that name aspect. Then when the first signe hath aspect to the leauenth; as Aries to Libra, it is called Aspectus oppositus, and is worst: for it is the signe of perfect enmitie, & signifi∣eth and betokeneth worst haps, & name∣ly if Mars haue such aspect to Saturnus, or to the Sunne: And when a Planet commeth with a Planet in ye same signe ascendent, or in the next signe there be∣fore, or behinde: then it is called Con∣iunction. And this Coniunction may bee good, if that the Planets be good. And a∣gaineward euill,Sapiens dominabi¦tur austris if the Planets be euill, as the Authour saith. And all this is said in figure, that the Authour maketh and setteth.Of Aries. chap. 10.GAther we kinde of all signes arowe, and by order, taking beginning of the signe that is called Aries. Then Aries is an Casterne signe, as it is said. For as a Wether in lieng vpō one side, turneth & chaungeth by equall times, so the Sun being in that part of the circles Zodia∣cus, that is called Aries, maketh euen∣nesse of day and night, and maketh the artificial daies and nights like long. And Misael sayth, that Aries is a firie signe, male, and a dayes signe and vnstable, and the house of Mars. The Sunne is Lord thereof by day, & Iupiter by night, And Saturnus is partener with thom. And this signe Aries is of the first Ers∣plicitie. The first Facies is giuen to Mars the second to the Sunne, the third to Venus.Shape in Aries. And of mans bodie Aries hath mastrie in the head and face, & maketh much haire in ye bodie, & maketh ye body and face crossed and heauie eyen, short eares, and long necke, and is the house of lyfe, and of the birth of man: For as that signe goeth vpwarde from he nea∣ther parte of the earth toward the ouer partes of heauen; & turneth againe from darknesse so light: to both a childe that is borne passe out of darknesse. And by vertue of that signe the thing that is hid commeth into light, and priuie things be knowne to wise men. And is Alboma∣sat telleth in libro de motibas astrorū. In going downe (he sayth) of the third or of the fourth degrée of Aries, the signe a∣riseth that is called Libra, and mooueth the aire. In the tenth degrée seth the starre that is called Almareth and Al∣phet, and maketh the aire cléere and bright. In the 25. degrée Pliades the lea∣uen starres goe downe,Pleiedes, the seuen starres. when the Sun, or the Moone, or any of the Planets com∣meth into the first, second, or third degrée of Aries, then shall be clowdie weather, winde of the South colde and tempest. In the second degrée of Aries, or in the ninth shall be great heate.Of the signe Taurus. cap. 11.TAurus,Al herbs, stones, fruits, ser∣pents, & seeds, of; operatiō, in the 4. degree of this con∣iunction. as Misael saith, is an earth∣ly signe, colde, pight, and a nightye signe, the house of Venus, the second, ex∣altation of the Moone in the fourth de∣grée: Venus is Lorde thereof by daye, and the Moone by night. And Mars is partener with them: and of the Tri∣plicitie 0