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Title:  Batman vppon Bartholome his booke De proprietatibus rerum, newly corrected, enlarged and amended: with such additions as are requisite, vnto euery seuerall booke: taken foorth of the most approued authors, the like heretofore not translated in English. Profitable for all estates, as well for the benefite of the mind as the bodie. 1582.
Author: Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, 13th cent.
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66 Of the Lionesse.67 of the Leoperd.68 of the Hare.69 of the Linx.70 of the Snaile.71 of the Woolse.72 of the Mule.73 of the Mouse.74 of the Weasell.75 of the Fyrtet,76 of the Cat.77 of Noctiluca, and of Odonta.78 of the wilde Asse.79 of the Onocentaura.80 of Orix.81 of a Sheepe and theyr profite.82 of the Panther.83 of the Parde.84 De Pilofis, wilde men.85 of the Poe Bucke,86 of the Pigmeis.87 of Swine.88 of a Lowce or Lyce.89 of Fleas.90 of the Rhinoceros.91 of Frogges.92 of the Salamander.93 of water leach.94 of the Lizard.95 of Serpents.96 of the Ape.97 of Mermaides.98 of Scorpions.99 of a Sowe.100 of a Bull.101 of a Goate bucke.102 of a Moale.103 of the Badger.104 of the Tiger.105 of a Mothe.106 of wormes.107 of snailes.108 of the Tortuse.109 of a Caue.110 Idem.111 of a Calfe.112 of a Beare.113 of the female Beare.114 of a Foxe.115 of Wormes:116 of little womes.117 of viperous serpents. The Addition of Vipers.¶Liber 19, containeth 37. chapters.1 Of colours.2 of the Materia of cou∣lours,3 of the generation of colours.4 of White.5 of Russet.6 of hot and cold.7 Colours in generall.8 of seauen colours, and the Addition.9 of changeable colours.10 of colours in the eye. The rest intreateth in 27. parts of colours.¶The Addition of cou∣lours to limne with, & how they must be v∣sed.38 of odors and perfumes.39 of the effectes of o∣doures.40 of stinking vapour.41.42 Idem.43 of sweete sauour, and his effects vnto the 52.53 of liquors.54 of Honic and his pro∣perties.55 of the Honic combe.57 of Meede.58 of Claret, a drinke compound.59 of Pigmentum.60 of Oximell.61 of Waxe.62 of milke, vnto 71.72 of Whey.73 of Butter.74 of Cheese.75.76.77 of the vertues of di∣uers things.78 of rottennesse.79 of Egges.The rest concerne weights and measures.Finis huius Tabulae.0