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Title:  Batman vppon Bartholome his booke De proprietatibus rerum, newly corrected, enlarged and amended: with such additions as are requisite, vnto euery seuerall booke: taken foorth of the most approued authors, the like heretofore not translated in English. Profitable for all estates, as well for the benefite of the mind as the bodie. 1582.
Author: Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, 13th cent.
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subtiltie and in thicknesse. For if the matter be subtill, & the vertue strong, it is lightly dissolued and shedde into the body: And the vertue cōmeth againe to ye mēbers as before hand: And if the mat∣ter be thick and the vertue féeble, it is ye contrary. The fifth token is in the state of ye Feuers, for then come accidents yt betoken the complection of rotting, as of head ach, euill breath, thirst, and such other. The sixt is when bodies bée not full clensed in the resting of the Feuer: but yet euill qualities abide in the bo∣die: for which qualyties féeblenesse a∣bideth in the bodie, and the feuer and the axes come againe. The seauenth is, that it abideth not in one manner estate, as other Feauers dot in the solution, but it resteth all in seasons, & passeth as in con∣tinuall Feauers betwéene axes. Manye other signes ther are, that be shewed in perticular Feauers.AdditionThis Feauer maye come diuerse wayes, by alteration of aire, by inordi∣nate labour, ouermuch riding & tra∣uailing, by surfet: vse good diet.Of the Feauer Cotidian. Chap. 38.ChāgableOF Feauers that come and goe, some come of simple humour rotted with∣out the veines and pipes, as of kinde fleame, commeth a very Cotidian: of red Cholera, a Tercian: of blacke Cholera, a Dutane. And some commeth of an humour compounded, as a Cotidiane: some commeth of a sowre fleme, & some of glassie fleme & some of swéete fleme, and some of salt fleme. And these diuer∣sities of Feauers be knowne by theyr owne signes and tokens. And common∣ly in this Feauer commeth head ache, wearishnesse of mouth, heuinesse of bo∣die, first the colde, and thereafter ye heat, and euery daye axes: and yet worse, for some daye commeth double axes.Ague courses. The matter of these Feauers shall be defied, departed, and put out with couenable medicines, and ruled with couenable di∣et. But beware the Phisitian, that it tourne not in Nuartane, or in Etike.This Cotidian vexeth daylye,Additionhis beginning is cōmonly after salt fleame, there followeth drinesse & thirll, if the sleme be sweete, then followeth sleepi∣nesse, & dulnes, if the sleme be owre, followeth paine in the stomacke, and vomiting.Of the Feauer Tertian & his signes and cure. ca. 39.A Feauer Tercian commeth of Cho∣lera rotted without the veines and pipes,Febris ter∣ciana. and is not gathered to a postume. Some Tercian commeth of kind Cho∣lera, and some of vnkinde Cholera, as of ritrine and yelow Cholera. If a Ter∣cian commeth of kind Cholera, these be the signes and the tokens. It grieueth from the middaye vnto the third, and namely about the thirde houre: First with shiuering and colde, and then with heat and with ach of the forehead, with bitternesse of mouth, with thirst, with ringing of the eare, and with much wa∣king, the vrine is red, subtill, and thin, and may haue in grieuing and trauaile 24. houres at the most, and 24. houres in rest. And as the matter is diverslye set, and in diuerse places, so signes and tokens be diuerse. For if the matter bée in the mouth of the stomacke, the ach of the forehead is the more. And also thirst with roughnesse & drinesse of the throat, and of the mouth, and desire and will of∣spuing, the vrine is high of colour. And if the matter be in the guts, the foresaid signes be not so strong and high, but the ach is about the nauell, and the vrine is more high of colour. And if the mat∣ter be in the liuer, or in the case of the gall, the vrine is more couloured with yeolow fome aboue and about. If the Feauer commeth of citrine or yeolow Cholera, the signes and tokens be some dene diuerse. For it grieueth first with shiuering, and then with heate, and mo∣ueth betwéen the houre of Cholera & the houre of fleame, & the vrine is yeolow meanly and thin, but drawing more to∣ward thinnesse, & moueth in vncerteine houres: for it commeth sometime sooner, and sometime later, & hath the foresaide 0