Batman vppon Bartholome his booke De proprietatibus rerum, newly corrected, enlarged and amended: with such additions as are requisite, vnto euery seuerall booke: taken foorth of the most approued authors, the like heretofore not translated in English. Profitable for all estates, as well for the benefite of the mind as the bodie. 1582.
Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, 13th cent., Trevisa, John, d. 1402., Batman, Stephen, d. 1584.

De Fuco. cap. 55.

FVcus, ci, is the name of a Drane,* that is more then a common Bée, and lesse then an Hornet, and hath that name Fu∣cus, for he eateth the trauaile of other, as it were Fagus that commeth of Fagin, that is, eate, for hée eateth that yt hée tra∣uaileth not for, for he maketh no honny, but he eateth the honnie of other Bées. Héereof speaketh Virgil and saith.

Ignauum fucus pecus a presepibus arcet.

That is, the Drane driueth towarde beasts, & chaseth them from cribs. So sai∣eth Isi. li. 12. ca. 12. Of these dranes or bées Plinius speaketh li. 11. ca. 12. & saith, that in Bée hiues is the more plenty of hony because of company of such Dranes: and such Dranes be without sting, as it were vnperfect Bees, and be seruauntes to the very Bees: and very Bées com∣maundeth them to worke, and stingeth, & punisheth without pity the Dranes that be slow in working, and also in breding. Page  368 For it is certaine yt the more multitude is of such Dranes, the more swarmes be bred, and when honnie beginneth to bée ripe, they driue thē away from the honie, and punisheth them and chaseth: and bée not séene but in springing time. And such Dranes make roial habitations & large, & disseuered to the masters and comman∣ders of Bées, and h••leth them, & maketh them séemely passing other, & such dwel∣ling places and cells be all sire cornered. And though the Dranes susteine so ma∣ny trauailes, yet vnneth they be suffered to eate of the hony, but as much as they eate, they eat it by stelth, vt dicit Plini.