Batman vppon Bartholome his booke De proprietatibus rerum, newly corrected, enlarged and amended: with such additions as are requisite, vnto euery seuerall booke: taken foorth of the most approued authors, the like heretofore not translated in English. Profitable for all estates, as well for the benefite of the mind as the bodie. 1582.
Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, 13th cent., Trevisa, John, d. 1402., Batman, Stephen, d. 1584.

Of Delos. chap. 48.

DElos is an Iland of Gréece, in ye mid∣dle of those Ilandes that bée called Ciclades, & hath that name, as it is said, for that yt after the floud, when the night was darke many moneths, that Ilande was lightened with the Sunne beames, before all other lands. And for yt he was first shewed, it is said it hath that name Delos, for Delon is Gréke, and is vn∣derstood, openly shewed. Also that lande is called Ortigia, for the Curlewes were first séene, and the Gréekes called them Ortigias. In this land Latone bare Ap∣pollo, as Isidore saith lib. 15. And Delos is the name of an Iland, and of a Citye also.

(*Delos, an Ile by Gréece, where A∣pollo and Diana were borne, and is one of the Iles called Cyclades.)