Batman vppon Bartholome his booke De proprietatibus rerum, newly corrected, enlarged and amended: with such additions as are requisite, vnto euery seuerall booke: taken foorth of the most approued authors, the like heretofore not translated in English. Profitable for all estates, as well for the benefite of the mind as the bodie. 1582.
Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, 13th cent., Trevisa, John, d. 1402., Batman, Stephen, d. 1584.

Of a Drop. chap. 8.

A Drop is moyst vapour departed and dealed into full small partes. And droppes bée greate when the dayes bée hotte, and partes of Clowdes bée de∣parted that were before gathered with colde as Aristotle sayth. And where heat is in the ayre, if colde come thereto, the fréesing of water or of vapour is more strong. Therefore in libro Animalum Aristotle saith, That fishers cast hotte water on their instruments and takles, that they may be the sooner frore to sinke the sooner. And the néerer a drop is to the earth, the more great it is: & againward. Page  [unnumbered] For the littlenesse thereof and ye round∣nesse is caused as long as he bideth in the aire farre from the earth, as Aristo∣tle saith. And it is moist, soft, cléere, and bright: and doth moyst seedes, grasse, and hearbes, and slaketh heate and bur∣ning of the aire, and cleanseth and pur∣geth the ayre. And though a droppe bée most soft in substaunce, yet it thirleth stones with oft falling. Séeke within li∣bro. 12.