Batman vppon Bartholome his booke De proprietatibus rerum, newly corrected, enlarged and amended: with such additions as are requisite, vnto euery seuerall booke: taken foorth of the most approued authors, the like heretofore not translated in English. Profitable for all estates, as well for the benefite of the mind as the bodie. 1582.
Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, 13th cent., Trevisa, John, d. 1402., Batman, Stephen, d. 1584.

¶Of the Tisike. Cap. 31.

TIsike is consumption and wasting of kinde humour of the bodye,* and commeth of whelkes and of botches of the lunges: and sometime of a reume dropping from the head into the lunges, and smiteth the lunges ofte, and thir∣leth them and maketh holes therein, and whelkes and botches, as dropping of raine perceth a stone. And it commeth sometime of too great drinesse of the lunges, that is soone rent when it is dry∣ed like as a vine leafe in the ende of har∣uest is blowen awaye with a lyghte winde. And sometime it commeth of bloud, when some veyne is broke in the lunges. Such bloud sometime turneth into quitter, and infecteth the lunges, and bréedeth therein whelkes and botches. Therefore Ipocras sayeth, that of bloud and of spettle, commeth Tisike and Fluxe.

Page  [unnumbered]By botching of the lunges, all the body is wasted in this manner: First, the lunges by opening thereof, draweth in arce from without, and serueth the heart thereof to swage the kinde heate of the heart, and when the lunges be grieued with whelkes and botches, and féeleth the grieuing, they withdraw their mouing, nor they spread nor open not duely, and so they serue the heart vnsuf∣ficiently of ayre. Therefore heate incre∣seth little & little, & the body is little and little wasted: for a feuer Clike commeth with Tisike, which wasteth ye substanti∣all moysture of ye bodie, for euery one yt haue the Tisike, hath the Etike: but not againe ward. Such a passion is not rasely curable, for it wereth stronger & stronger. And Constantine telleth the cause and saith, That euerye wounde is harde to heale, but if it be cleansed: and the botche of the lunges maye not bée cleansed but with cough, and the cough suffereth not the wound to be closed and sowlded: for it spreadeth and openeth. Therefore more quitter is gathered ther in: while some deale it gathereth, and some deale it purgeth: and so the Po∣stume is incurable, while it is so vnsted∣fast. Then he that will heale the Tisike, shall first heale the wound of the lungs, or it putrifie. Of Tisike that is confor∣med, these be the tokens and signes, con∣tinuall heate, softe in the palmes of the handes, and sharper in the soles of the féete, rednesse in the chéekes, straightnesse of breath, thirst, with roughnesse of the tongue, smalnesse of necke, wasting of all the body, shrinking and riuelyng of nayles and of vtter partes, lownesse of the roundnesse of the eyen, ache in the lefte arme vp to the shoulder, falling of haire: & that is a token of death yt com∣meth soone, as stinking spettle, & quitter, & more stinking than it was wont, beto∣keneth full corruption of the substaunce of the lungs. Such a one shall be fedde with dyet, that cooleth, sowdeth, and re∣storeth, with meanly colde medicines, that swage the heate of Feauers, and laxeth meanlye the wombe. But ouer all things beware that he be not too soone laxed: For of great Flure commeth death in, and lyfe goeth his ware, as Egidius sayth. Medicines that moyst and dos wast humours helpe them.

Pertisi I take to be Disma,*or O∣thomia whesing, that cōmeth of viscous fleame, letting the Organes, for that the patient is more pained to draw in his breath, thou to put forth. Drinke Pti∣sane well sodde of barley, and running water, with a little licoras, and Carda∣mum, which is a kinde of graines.