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Title:  A discourse of military discipline devided into three boockes, declaringe the partes and sufficiencie ordained in a private souldier, and in each officer; servinge in the infantery, till the election and office of the captaine generall; and the laste booke treatinge of fire-wourckes of rare executiones by sea and lande, as alsoe of firtifasions [sic]. Composed by Captaine Gerat Barry Irish.
Author: Barry, Gerat.
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and none ought to trouble or moleste them in there voyadge, excep∣te they be suspected.The Sardgent mayor is to take care that if his Regimēte in occasi∣ones which mighte happen they breake uppon the enemy, and follo∣we on the victorie, let none in paine of death fall a robbinge the hur∣temen, nor none of the slaughter, which if any Officer finde them in that base acte in such occasiones, may execute this sentence, beinge moste base and odiouse, but rather persue the victorie, and keepe his order as behooveth an honorable Souldier of resolute and noble minde to doe.In like maner in occasiones to inter per force of armes into any towne citti or stronge place, the Sardgent mayor is to by verie, vigi∣lante, and carefull, that noe Souldier of whatesoever qualitie or con∣dition: be permitted to inter into any house, eyther ro robb or steale till such time as the enemy be wholie vanquised, that no danger nor execution of theyres might be feared, and that till all there furie be paste, and that uppon paine of death, for otherwise they incurr greate danger, some leavinge theyre armes hire and theyre in divers places; of vvhich if the enemy take pocession they may easilie Master them; Of suche blinde ingnorance and covetouse desire of gaine, greate di∣grace may resulte. If the enemy doe secretlie joyne in some secret pla∣ce, and fall unavare in masteringe theyre armes and murder them, which may well fall oute if prevencion be not used as before decla∣red, in suche sorte that the enemy may not come in possession of the honeor gained vvith the lives and losse of soe many brave Soul∣diores.For the executiones of rare exploites and brave interprises in warr is required prudente and brave conduction, and specially that the Sardgent mayor be moste earneste to exercice the Officeres and Soul∣diores of his Regimente; whiche beinge soe practised in warr, greate expectationes mighte be hoped of them: Beinge exersised in well ma∣nadgeinge theyre armes, observinge theyr order and not stiringe oute of the same when they marche, in knowinge who to fall into squa∣dron, and observe the proclamationes given, and ordained be the Generall, nothinge soe dificill but that contuall use and exercice ma∣keth easie.Who soever woulde faine be couriouse in the framinge of many sor∣tes of batteles, it is necessarie that he be exercised both in the theoric∣ke and pratike of this arte, and specially to be able in Aritmetick: Soe 0