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Title:  A discourse of military discipline devided into three boockes, declaringe the partes and sufficiencie ordained in a private souldier, and in each officer; servinge in the infantery, till the election and office of the captaine generall; and the laste booke treatinge of fire-wourckes of rare executiones by sea and lande, as alsoe of firtifasions [sic]. Composed by Captaine Gerat Barry Irish.
Author: Barry, Gerat.
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beinge constrained to pass unto Africa to soucour Cartago his coun∣trie, beinge informed that Cipio (that famouse Captaine) vvente thiter vvith his Romaine army be vvhome Aniball vvas overcome; so that his vice longe repose and neglectinge of armes vvas cause of his destru∣ction, as alsoe hapened to many other brave vvarrieres. But this of Aniball is a sufficiente example for those that followe the profession of armes, to alwayes houlde and keepe theyre Souldieres in exercice of armes, and that vvith greate care, for feare of destruction. Soe this is a goode and sufficiente example for a Sardgent mayor, to alwayes keepe his Souldieres in the exercice of armes, and to imitate still the Romai∣nes in theyre continuall practice; And in case that the moste parte of the Companies of his Regimente are not togither vvhere he is resi∣dente.Let him advertice theyre Captaines that they be carefull to exerci∣ce theyre Souldieres, and it vvere not amiss that he in the ende of eve∣rie three or foure montes shoulde visite them all over, and vvith care exercice them in the ocasiones of marchinge and imbatelinge; Wher∣by he shall finde them apte and ready to his will not needinge over∣much paines nor disputes as alwayes muste by with rawe men litle ex∣erciced in armes.In nothinge is he to be more curiouse then in learninge and instru∣ctinge them who to observe orderes of marchinge, and in framing with them all sortes of squadrones, and to cause them skirmish sundrie manner of wayes, and cause them to toss the pike, and to by apte in handelinge the same, beinge queene of armes and moste noble of all the reste. This office of a Sardgent mayor vvas in times paste cauled thesariouse or Master who is to instructe military discipline, he which is apte and skilfull in vvell a complishinge the aproved partes ordai∣ned for the execution of this office, is fitt for any other office in vvarr, to the verie office of a Master de campe generall, which of all the reste requireth greatesth care and sufficiencie.Wheresoever the Sardgente mayor shall happen to by with his Re∣gimente or vvith parte of the same, (eyther in campana or garison) when the Companies of the same shall inter the watch he is to by pre∣sente and take care that the Captaines be vvell armed with faire and complet corseletes, and all peeces therunto a pertaininge, and vvith a faire peeke of sixtine or seventine foote longe, the Musquetier with a complet goode muskett, and that by no meanes it by permitted to cutt any peece of the barell, (as some doe) to lighten it, and such as are 0