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Title:  A discourse of military discipline devided into three boockes, declaringe the partes and sufficiencie ordained in a private souldier, and in each officer; servinge in the infantery, till the election and office of the captaine generall; and the laste booke treatinge of fire-wourckes of rare executiones by sea and lande, as alsoe of firtifasions [sic]. Composed by Captaine Gerat Barry Irish.
Author: Barry, Gerat.
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to a peace thies contraversies. It is verie necessarie he be a Cō∣panied still with goode comarades, men chosen of goode behavioure valerouse, and of brave and resolute determinationes, for none is mo∣re bounde to have suche comarades then he; for in offeringe of oca∣tiones of inconuteres a saultes or battell with the enemy they are to assiste and keepe him with a more willenge minde, in the assaulte or winninge of a any towne or forte of emportance, he is not to putt his colours in any place till the furie of the enemy be wholie vanquised▪ orderlie and prudentlie a comodated and prevented, and when all the furie is paste and dulie prevented, he shall putt in his coloures in∣to his lodginge, and display the same in the windowe nexte unto the streete, that the Captaine, Officereres, and Souldieres may note, and marcke where the coloures are; to repaire unto with speede when o catiō offereth. And alwayes let him be verie carefull to ordaine a good garde for the same, and that he him selfe shall looke well thereunto. Let him take a special care that covetousenes nor disordered a petites doe ouerkome or master him. When all is setled and pasified quarte∣res shal be devided and a pointed for each Regimente whiche shall be sente in due time be the Sardgent mayor, or his a judante.In o cation of framinge of squadrones incounteres or assaultes with the enemy, he is to cary his coloures displayed, and passinge be the Captaine generall, he is to advance it bowinge the pointe some wha∣te downe wardes, but if he pass by the Kinge or Prince he is to bowe almoste to the grounde one of his knees a difference from the gene∣rall, and in passinge by the blessed Sacramente he is to kneele on be the his knees, and with the coloures to the grounde sheowinge greate reverence unto the same, and all his Company in like manner, and theyre armes laied on the grounde till the blessed Sacramente pass, vvithoute stirenge till they see theyre Alferis rise upp, and that when the Sacramente is vvholie paste, duringe whiche time they are to kee∣pe silence.0