A discourse of military discipline devided into three boockes, declaringe the partes and sufficiencie ordained in a private souldier, and in each officer; servinge in the infantery, till the election and office of the captaine generall; and the laste booke treatinge of fire-wourckes of rare executiones by sea and lande, as alsoe of firtifasions [sic]. Composed by Captaine Gerat Barry Irish.
Barry, Gerat.
Cross Battell.

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Severall sortes of armes are manadged in all coutries and in many places hardly can yove finde the one haulf of there pikes armed wi∣the complett corseletes. Wherfore i tought fitt to set downe the rules for the due orderinge in proportion of thiese severall sortes of armes, for beinge moste necessary in many occasiones in warrlike affaires: Put in case yove have 1112. souldieres, of the whiche 260. are unar∣med pikes 316. armed withe complett corseletes, 114. officeres refor∣med and particular persones who are armed withe gilted corseletes, Page  77 and for the linenge shott 422. musketes. Of the whiche number the campe master general, woulde have a squadron square of men to be framed, puttenge the unarmed pikes in the center, proportional∣ly lined every way withe the armed corseltes, and the armed pikes proportionally lined withe the gilted corseletes and officeres refor∣med, as also that the 4. sides of the full battell of pikes to be propor∣tionally guarinshed withe the 422. musketes.

To wourke the whiche firste take 260. whiche is the unarmed pikes oute of whiche take the square roote whiche is 16 and. 4 pikes re∣mayninge, and say that 16 pikes is the fronte and flanke of yovre cen∣ter of unarmed pikes. That don take the full number of unarmed and armed pikes whiche is 576. oute of whiche also take the square roote which will be 24. nowe deducte of this 24.16 the raise or square roote of the unarmed pikes, and there shall remaine 8. this 8. devide into two partes, and it is 4. in eache parte, and say that 16. rankes of 4. cor∣seletes in eche ranke is to guarnish the right flanke of yovre center of unarmed pikes, and so many more for the guarnision of the leifte flanke of the center of the unarmed pikes.

Nowe to proportionally line the fronte of the center say that to 16 the fronte of the center is to be aded 8 of the 2. lininges whiche make the 24. so say that the fronte is to be guarinshed withe 24. ran∣kes of 4. armed pikes in eache ranke, and so is the fronte of yovre cen∣ter and unarmed pikes lined, and the rerwarde is to be guarinshed withe the self same order, imeane 24. rankes of armed pikes of 4. pi∣kes in eache ranke, so the center of the unarmed pikes is proportio∣nally lined every way withe the complet corseletes.

Nowe to line the armed pikes withe the 114. gilted 〈 math 〉 corseletes take the full number of pikes as well armed as unarmed whiche is 690. oute of whiche take the square roote whiche is 26. oute of this 26. the laste rays deducte 24. the square roote of yovre armed and unarmed pikes and there shall reste 2. this 2. devide in∣to two partes whiche will be one, and say that the righ∣te flanke of the armed pikes are to be guarinshed wi∣the onely 24. gilted pikes which iuste ocupies place of one in eache ranke of the flāke and iuste so many more for to guarinshe the leifte flāke of the armed pikes, and say that the two flankes are guarinshed: Nowe youre fronte is 26. and iuste so many gilted pikes are to gua∣rinsh the outewarde side of the armed corseletes, and iuste so many Page  78 for the linenge of the rerwarde so youre squadron is proportionally guarinshed every way, imeane the center withe the armed pikes, and the armed pikes withe the gilted corseletes.

Nowe to devide youre 422. musketes, youe are to take the square roote of the propounded and full number of pikes and shott whiche is 1112. whiche square roote will. be 33. oute of this square deducte 26. the square roote that was of the full number of pikes and there shall remaine 7, this 7. devide into two partes, the one will be 4. and the other 3. and say that by youre devition youe finde that the right flanke of youre squadron of pikes is to be lined, withe 26. rankes of 4. musketes in eache ranke, (that don) say that for the linenge shot of the leifte flanke youre devition yealdethe 26. rankes of 3. musketes in ea∣che ranke so are youre two flankes of the squadron of pikes lined wi∣the shott, nowe withe the two linenges of shott youe finde the fronte to conteyne 33. and say that 33. rankes of 4. musketes is to line the full fronte of the battell of pikes and 33. rankes of 3. musketes in ea∣che ranke is to guarnish the full fronte of the rerewarde, for by the rule of divition and proportion it can not be other wise, so youre unarmed pikes are in the center, proportionally lined withe the cor∣seletes, and the corseletes withe the gilted armor, and the squadron of pikes proportionally lined every way withe the 422. musketes as youe shall see by the figure and devisiones folowinge, advertisinge that in youre devisiones there do remaine 4. unarmed pikes and 14. of the gilted corseletes and five musketes as in the devisiones folo winge youe may see, all whiche are comprehended in the 23. the re∣mainder of youre laste devision, as here folowth declared.

Page  79

A Squadron square of men.

  • 256 Pikes.
  • 64 Cors.
  • 64 Cors.
  • 96 Cors.
  • 96 Cors.
  • 24 Gilt. C.
  • 24 Gilt. C.
  • 26 Gilt. C.
  • 26 Gilt. C.
  • 104 Mus.
  • 78 Mus.
  • 132 Mus.
  • 99 Mus.
  • 4 Pik.
  • 14 Gilt.
  • 5 Mus.
  • 1112.
  • 16 Ran. 16
  • 16 Rank. 4
  • 16 Rank. 4
  • 24 Ran. 4
  • 24 Rank. 4
  • 24 Rank. 1
  • 24 Rank. 1
  • 26 Rank. 1
  • 26 Rank. 1
  • 26 Rank. 4
  • 26 Rank. 3
  • 33 Rank. 4
  • 33 Rank. 3

〈 math 〉

  • 260 Unarmed Pik.
  • 316 Armed Pik.
  • 114 Gilted Corsel.
  • 422 Musketes.
  • 1112