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Title:  The fyrste sermon of Mayster Hughe Latimer, whiche he preached before the Kinges Maiestie wythin his graces palayce at Westminster. M.D.XLIX. the. viii. of March Cu[m] gratia et priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
Author: Latimer, Hugh, 1485?-1555.
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therein: If thou shalt say, I will set a Kyng ouer me, lyke vnto al the nacions that are aboute me: Then thou shalt make him king ouer the, whome the Lorde thy God shall chose.One of thy brethren must thou make Kynge ouer the, and mai∣est not set a straunger ouer the, whiche is not of thy brethren. But in anye wyse, lette hym not holde to manye horsses, that he brynge not the people agayne to Egypte, thorowe the multitude of horsses, for as muche as the Lorde hathe sayde vnto you: ye shall hence forthe go no more a∣gayne that waye. Also he shall not haue to manye wyues, leaste hys herte turne awaye, neyther shall he gather hym syluer and goulde to muche. As in diuerse 0