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Title:  The politicke and militarie discourses of the Lord de La Nouue VVhereunto are adioyned certaine obseruations of the same author, of things happened during the three late ciuill warres of France. With a true declaration of manie particulars touching the same. All faithfully translated out of the French by E.A.
Author: La Noue, François de, 1531-1591.
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shrewdly. About two houres after, being encreased they planted some peeces vpon a rising: and after some shot on each side the colde caused euery man to retire.As well the gentrie as common Souldiers on both sides did The retract of both the ar∣mies through the extreami∣tie of the colde. much murmure against their Captaines, in that without any pro∣fite they were made a pray vnto the frostes and colde, as also they complayned that famine assaulted them, so as if they would not prouide for them in safe & fortified places, they being no loger able to endure such extremities, would place themselues. Hereto was there no contradiction, for their Captaines entents did concurre with their desires. The Catholicks went to lodge beyond Loyre, about Saumure: The Protestants returned to Montreuill-bellay and Touars. In this last action I consider that many good occa∣sions doe fall out when the armies are lodged scatteringly, which should dispose their leaders to watch diligently for feare of trying one vnfortunate houre. At the least ought they to labour to be able with Alexander to say: I haue slept soundly, for Antipater hath watched for me. Some there are that thinke that the readers can gather but small instruction in the view of things not performed, which they tearme vnperfect workes: but I am not of their minde. For whensoeuer any action together with the circumstances there∣of is truely set downe, albeit it reacheth but halfe the way, yet may there still bee some fruite gathered thereof: euen as men may take some examples by such as liue but to the third or fourth parte of the common course of mans life: for vertue will somewhat appeare in all parts of mans age or actions, and this shall cause me yet to set downe here one bould attempt, which albeit it came not to ef∣fect, is neuerthelesse worthie to be knowne.The Countie of Brissack was the dealer and attempter thereof The Earle of Brissackes bould enter∣prise and what came of it. during the aboade of both armies. He was bould, and for his age very wise: but his excessiue desire of glorie did euen rauish him to high and difficult attempts. The Lords Admirall and Andelot were lodged in the towne of Montreuill-belay with their cornets which were great. In one of the suburbes at hand was there also two cōpanies of footmen in the roue of a simple watch, as well before their lodgings as at the gates. The gentlemen did onely keepe the rounds euery houre about the walles, and this seemed to suffice. For by reason that vppon the way from Saumure there were in a great suburbe beyond the riuer sixe or seauen regiments of footmen, the towne was couered on that side: On the other side 0