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Title:  The politicke and militarie discourses of the Lord de La Nouue VVhereunto are adioyned certaine obseruations of the same author, of things happened during the three late ciuill warres of France. With a true declaration of manie particulars touching the same. All faithfully translated out of the French by E.A.
Author: La Noue, François de, 1531-1591.
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them: This being reported to the Counsaile hated the con∣clusion of those that were there to deliberate, who considering of the generall disposition of all, were the rather confirmed in their opini∣ons, which did concurre wt the same▪ neither were there aboue three or foure that vsed anie speech, the matter being so euident: and I do yet in part rememer the particularities there deducted. The Lord Admirall declared vnto the Prince, that albeit he supposed that the Queene in accepting of his offer meant no harme, as one that desiring to deliuer the state out of miserie means conuenientot that he thought those which had weapon on hand, did circūent her to the end to betraie him: that he neither ought, neither could performe that that, was propoūded & himself, had promised, in respect that beforè he stoode bounde in stronger bandes: and besides all this, that if he should now absent himselfe, he should vtterly loose his credit & condemne the cause that he had takē in hand, which besides the equitie therof, being authorised by the Kings edict, ought to bee maintayned euen with ha∣zarde of life. The Lord of Andelots speech was this: My Lord the enimies power lyeth but fiue small leagues hence: if it perceiue amōg vs either feare, breaking vp, or other alteràtiō whatsoeuer, it wil with ord and speare driue vs euen into the Ocean sea. If you none shoulde forsake vs it will bee sayde that yee doe it for feare, which I knowe neuer▪ harboured in your heart. Wee are your poore seruantes, and you our maister, diuide vs not then, sith wee fight for religion and life: so many parleyes are but snares layde to intrappe vs as appeareth by the effectes else, where: The best waie therefore to come to a spee∣die agreement is, that you will vouchsafe to bring vs within halfe a league of those that, wish vs to departe the Realme: so may wee perad∣uenture within an houre after growe to some good resolution: for wee can neuer bee perfect friendes before wee haue skirmished a little to∣gether.Then stepped foorth the Lorde of Boucarde, one of the brauest Gentlemen in the Realme, whose head was fraught both with fire and Lead. My Lorde (sayde hee) hee that either giueth ouer or put∣teth of the set looseth it, which is more true in this matter now in hand than in the tenis court: I haue alreadie seene fiftie yeeres, in which time I may haue learned alittle discretion: I would bee loth to walke vp and downe a foraine lande with a tooth picker in my mouth, and in the meane time lett some flattering neighbour bee the maister of my house, & fatten himselfe with my renewes. God willing for my parte I will die in my Countrie in defence of our alters and hearthes: 0