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Title:  The politicke and militarie discourses of the Lord de La Nouue VVhereunto are adioyned certaine obseruations of the same author, of things happened during the three late ciuill warres of France. With a true declaration of manie particulars touching the same. All faithfully translated out of the French by E.A.
Author: La Noue, François de, 1531-1591.
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and is ment of yeeres, is a terme which fewe Commonwelths doe escape without encurring most daungerous alterations. Lib. 1. Diui∣nat. cap. 7. & lib. 4. cap. 2. Now, if wee will applye this to our selues, and count how long it was betweene the time that this Realme came to bee settled and assured in the familie of Hugh Capet the author of the se∣cond chaūge (which happened vnder Henry the first his graūd∣child, who dyed in the yeere 1060.) and the death of Henry the second, in whose raigne many great corruptions, as well in ma∣ners as pollicie, were conceiued, which afterward were brought foorth with incredible encrease, we shall finde fiue hundred yeeres fully compleat. But the chaunges of most excellent vertues into most infamous vices are most daungerous, because other do still followe on which breede destruction without remedie. Yet must we not say but this tearme is sometyme farre ouerpassed (which procéedeth of Gods great goodnesse) as wee may now see in our Realm, that haue perseuered in forme royall aboue 1100. yeres. As also that sometymes God in his wrath doth shorten it be∣cause of mens horrible sinnes. And although the knowledge of the tyme be to them a secrete article which God hath reserued to himselfe, yet the consideration of so many as well waightie, as trifling matters concurring to one selfe end, ought to driue vs to thinke vppon his iudgements. But much more should wee bee thereto induced, in that wee see the prophecie of Moses daylie drawe to performance against vs. And yet notwithstanding our so many experiences and sufferings wee cannot become wise. These be his words. If thou wilt not obey the voyce of the LordGods sentence concerning the periods and reuolutions of publick and priuate estates. Deut. 28.thy God to keepe and doe all his commaundements, all these curses shall light vppon thee. Thou shalt be cursed in the Citie and in the field: the Lord shall send thee hunger and scarcitie▪ and the plague shall take hold of thee vntill it hath consumed thee from the face of the earth. The heauen that is ouer thy head shall be of brasse, & the earth vnder thy foote of Iron: the vermin and the rust shall consume all the trees and fruites of thy earth. The straunger that is within thee shall get ouer thee and be the highest, and thou shalt stoope and be vnder him: he shall lend to thee vppon vurie, and thou shalt not bee able to lend to him. The Lord shall cast thee downe before thy enemies, and thou shalt get from them by a contrary way, and thou shalt flee through the hedge. A nation that is farre from thee shall rise against thee whose language thou shalt not vnderstand: an im∣pudent people which shall not honor the older, neither haue compas∣sion 0