A collection of certaine sclaunderous articles gyuen out by the bisshops against such faithfull Christians as they now vniustly deteyne in their prisons togeather with the answeare of the saide prisoners therunto. Also the some of certaine conferences had in the Fleete according to the bisshops bloudie mandate with two prisoners there.
Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593., Greenwood, John, d. 1593. aut

Article 1. They hold that the Lords praier or anie sell prayer is blasphemy, & they neuer vse anie prayer for the Queene as supreame head vnder Christ of the Church of England.

Ansvveare WE hold that the Lords praier (so commonly cal∣led) is sacred & Canonicall scripture, cōteyning a most absolute & perfect rule & grownd worke wherby all faith full prayers ought to be framed, gyuen by owr Sauyour Christ for the instruction and confirmatiō of his Disciples that theire prayers might be according to the will & glory of God: But that the very forme of words as they are in theis petitions were gyuē & instituted as a sett & stinted prayer, or that owre Sauiour Christ & his Apostles haue euer vsed yt in that maner, we finde not in the scriptures, where we see theire prayers according to theire present occasions &c. set downe in other words, & no mention made of such prescript & lymited saying of this as they requyre & enioyne: Moreouer, if they were as ignorant what be∣longeth to true prayer, or of the true vse of this forme for prayer as they seeme, yet euen theyre owne practize in theire pulpyts & Liturgies doth excuse vs thus far forth & condemne them. For her Maiestie we praye both publiquely & pryuatly, day & night at all tymes & places according to owre duties as becommeth vs, and godwilling wyll not cease so to do whilst owre lyues shall last.