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Title:  The methode of phisicke conteyning the causes, signes, and cures of invvard diseases in mans body from the head to the foote. VVhereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, which our phisitians commonly vse at this day, with the proportion, quantitie, & names of ech [sic] medicine. By Philip Barrough.
Author: Barrough, Philip, fl. 1590.
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exhalation from them, which both destroyeth appetite and hurteth digestion, and being li∣fted vpward it causeth sweamiegs, and other euilles. The wormes being killed are driuen out for the most part by suppositories and purgations,Pillulae. Rufi.Cure if flux of the womb be ioyned with wormes. but specially by hierapicra and pillulae pestilentiales or rufi, which haue a maruelous efficacie in killing and bringing out of worms. But those that are troubled with wormes and with flux of the wombe also: those you must cure by thickening of the flux, and by chaunging the digestion into a better state, aswel with meates, as also with cataplasmes: for the more that the fluxe preuaileth, so much the more the engendring of wormes is increased: and againe the fluxe ceasing, the wormes do rest and pause. Therefore you must diligently labour to stop and restraine the wombe, and to ad stedfastnesse and strength vnto it. Therefore minister iuice of plantaine: or else let him take dried plantaine: for both haue like efficacie aswell against the fluxe, as also against worms. Also make cataplasmes, cerotes and oyntments of raw barley meale, pomegranate rindes, hypocischidos, and such like restrictiue thinges: but adde vnto them those thinges which be good to kill wormes. Restrictiue medicines are good to be applied outwardly for this cause, because they do corroborate and strengthen againe the stomach, being hurt through often vsing of bitter medicines. Also it is lawfull in this case to minister earth wormes being dri∣ed, and beaten to pouder with hydromel. The wormes called Ascarides,Cure of worms called Ascari∣des. being in children that be infants, they must be brought out with suppositaries made of honie and salt. In thē that be elder they must be brought out wich clysters, made either with sharp brine, or with decoction of worme wood, centorie, calamint, lupines, penyroyall, and other aboue re∣hearsed putting to oyles. After ministration of clisters, annoint the straight gut, or founda∣dament with these simples, (that is) Acatia, hypocischidos, iuice of Sumache, or some other restrictiue medicine. For the flesh being constrained by restrictiue things, it looseth the ha∣bilitie, that engendreth the wormes, and it excludeth and shutteth out the ascarides. But this that followeth is good both for children, and for those that be of greater age, and is most ef∣fectuous. Take olde flesh that is poudred, cut of the fat, and fashion it long and round, like a suppositarie fit for the fundament and thrust it into the tuell: applying a ligament or band, and let it alone within, as long as they can suffer it, then losen it and draw it out together with the wormes, that stick on it. After that you shall poure in the things aforesaid, and also annoint it as is aforesaid.CAP. XX. Of the hemmorhoides. DE HEMMORHOIDIBVS.THE Hemmorhoides is an vnfolding and spreading abrode of the vaines in the tuell. Of these some be blinde, which do swell and do send out none,Cocae. Apertae. or very little bloud, some be open, which be set wide open abroade certaine times, and do send foorth bloud.Causae. The hemmorhoides are caused through dreggie & melancholy blound, when there is aboundance thereof, which the liuer sen∣deth to those vaines. The signes whereby this euill is knowen, neede not to be required.Signa. For the blind hemmerhoids may be seene with eyes, and they cause vehement paine, specially in auoiding the dong. But the open hemmerhoides do bleede, therefore the patient cannot be ignorant what they be. Therefore when blinde hemmerhoides appeare,Curatio cca∣r. and do rayse great tormenting in the fundament, if the bodie be full of humours, cut the veyne of the hamme or of the anckle bones. Also you must make the bellie soluble aboundantly, left the drie dong, while it is sent foorth, do engender paine. Also you must apply where vehement paine is, those things that can and will mitigate. Among which are crummes of bread stee∣ped in milke, and sodden with yolkes of egges, and applied like a plaister. Also it profiteth to sit in a bath made of the decoction of mallowes, violet leaues, melilot, faenugreeke, cham∣momill, leaues of althaea, lineseede, floures of rose campion, and such like. And if the pa∣tient cannot vse that, wet woll or a sponge in the said decoction, and applie it to the griefe. And if these aforesaid things do no good, you must get out bloud of them. Therefore put 0