The theorike and practike of moderne vvarres discoursed in dialogue vvise. VVherein is declared the neglect of martiall discipline: the inconuenience thereof: the imperfections of manie training captaines: a redresse by due regard had: the fittest weapons for our moderne vvarre: the vse of the same: the parts of a perfect souldier in generall and in particular: the officers in degrees, with their seuerall duties: the imbattailing of men in formes now most in vse: with figures and tables to the same: with sundrie other martiall points. VVritten by Robert Barret. Comprehended in sixe bookes.
Barret, Robert, fl. 1600.
  • Fila, an Italian vvord, is the order, row, or line of all such souldiers as do stand or march conse∣quently on after another, in ordinance or aray of battell, extending from the front vnto the traine of the battell.
  • Flancque, a French vvord, is the side of any squadron of men.
  • Fronte, a French vvord, is the face or forepart of a squadron or battell.
  • Front, is also the forepart of a vvall or bulwarke.
  • Forlorne Sentinell, a compound vvord of Dutch and French: and is a souldier either horseman Page  [unnumbered] or footeman, set to vvatch and espie the enemies desseignes, neare vnto the enemy, and with∣out the vvord: for sundry consideratins.