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Title:  Nova Britannia offering most excellent fruites by planting in Virginia : exciting all such as be well affected to further the same.
Author: Johnson, Robert, fl. 1586-1626.
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still remaine, and do succeede in place, where long may they stand and their séede after them, like the Pillars and Wor∣thies of King Dauid, to shielde the head and honour of our Solomon, and still to vphold and enlarge our happinesse for euer: and this I am driuen to speake and mention by the way, where I meant it not, in regard of some which vpon a disaster beginne to ware weary of all, discouraging them∣selues and others, from this and all other forreine aduen∣tures: to let them know, that each thing hath encrease, from whence it had beginning: and to put our selues in mind, that wee faile not in furthering those causes that bring forth such effects.Another instance might be shewed in one particular, which taxeth very much our English Nation, and all the Subiects of our soueraigne King, that enioying such plentie of wood∣lands, and fruitfull soiles, within England, Scotland, Ire∣land and Wales: yet our want of industry to bee such, that Netherlanders which haue not a stick of wood growing nor any land for sowing, should surpasse and goe beyond vs in continuall plenty of corne and shipping, me thinks the refor∣mation hereof should find more fauour at our hands, that in such points of ciuil pollicie, no people of lesser meanes should cast vs so behinde, and each well minded man should lend his helpe to heale and cure such staines and scarres in the face of our state, as being viewed and wayed well, may very well make vs blush.And now to our present businesse in hand, which so many stumble at, in regard of the continuall charge, I would haue them know, that it cannot be great nor long, as the businesse may be handled. Two things are especially required herein, people to make the plantation, and money to furnish our pre∣sent prouisions, and shippings now in hand: For the first we neede not doubt, our land abounding with swarmes of idle persons, which hauing no meanes of labour to reléeue their misery, doe likewise swarme in lewd and naughtie practises, so that if we seeke not some waies for their forreine employ∣ment, 0