The treasury of healthe conteynyng many profitable medycines gathered out of Hypocrates, Galen and Auycen, by one Petrus Hyspanus [and] translated into Englysh by Humfre Lloyde who hath added therunto the causes and sygnes of euery dysease, wyth the Aphorismes of Hypocrates, and Iacobus de Partybus redacted to a certayne order according to the membres of mans body, and a compendiouse table conteynyng the purginge and confortatyue medycynes, wyth the exposicyo[n] of certayne names [and] weyghtes in this boke contayned wyth an epystle of Diocles vnto kyng Antigonus.
John XXI, Pope, d. 1277., Llwyd, Humphrey, 1527-1568., Diocles, of Carystus. Epistola de secunda valetudine tuenda. English., Hippocrates.

❧ Remedyes. Ca. v.

FYrst let ye matter be put back with the ioyce of Playntayne or morel and Uyneger anoin¦tyng the tēples therwith, then make a coife or cappe of waxe terebintine and womās milke and put it vpon the head, for it wyll ease the paynes & prouoke the pacyent to sleape.

*Let the fume of the matter be dra¦wen downward with a suppository or clister, & with moderate rubbyng of the handes and feete, then put a sponge dipt in the decoction of Hen¦bane or a whelpe or a cocke rypt o∣uer ye bely vpon the head, or ye lygh¦tes of a swyne, also bynd the armes and legges of the pacyent, and let him smel Opium, camphory, Hen∣bane, Basyl, Saffru or waxe ming¦led wyth Rose water, afterwarde a∣noynte Page  [unnumbered] the eares, eyes and nodle wt myrth, storax, Castoreum, or wash, the head, wyth Henbane or Sma∣lage that haue bē sod in swete wine

Make an oyntmēt of Dogfenel de¦taine and oyle of Roses, and anoint his head therwyth and it shal cause hym to sleape.

Also take of Opium .ʒ ii. of leuen ʒ.ii. wel beatyn wyth honye and vi∣neger and anoynte the Pulses ther wyth.

Make a playster of Opium, hen∣bane sede, and Suger, myngled in the ioyce of lettys and lay it to hys forehead.

Make a suppositori of Opium and oyle of Uyolettes.

White Popie, and Henbane seed distempred wyth the whyte of an Egge and layd to the forhead pro∣uoketh sleape.

It is very good to let bloude of ye vayne which is in the myddel of the forhead.

Page  [unnumbered]Take .ʒ.i. of opium .ʒ.ii. of blacke popy & distempre them wt populeon and the milke of a woman that ge∣ueth sucke to a wenche and lay it to the foreheade.

The waxe of the pacyentes eare, giuen him in drinke causeth him to sleape.

Seth Henbane in swete wine and washe therwith thy eares temples & nose thrilles, & it prouoketh sleape. The hote lightes of a goate clapt to the head taketh away the frenesy so doth a Spōge dipt in warme wine and put to the left Pappe,

It is very good to anoynt ye for∣head wyth oyl of Roses, and to put a horsleche to the forhead.

*Safron in all meates prouoketh sleape.

Lay to the pacyents head Saffrō Mandrage and Opium & he shall sleape.

*If the head be anointed with oyle Page  [unnumbered] of Roses, Dogfenell, and Castorū, it swageth the paynes and causeth the pacyent to sleape. Galene.

Sprinckle the pouder of Man∣drage and Arsenike vpon a shauen head, and the man shal slepe.

If the face be washed wyth hote water of the Decoctyon of Popy ye pacyent shall oute of hande eyther sleape or dye,

Lay ye rote of Neproyal boyled to the heade and it wyl draw furth the matter of the madnesse,* it hath ben prouyd.

Yf the pacyent be very sad,* let the ioyce of Iuye be put in hys nose, & Myntes sod in Uineger be layd to hys hed.

If the Frātyke mā haue is head a∣noynted with Castoreum, without dout he shal slepe.

If thou wold, cause a man to slepe take Opium, Henbane, Plantayn Popy, and the leaues of mandrage Page  [unnumbered] and yue leaues and beryes, mulbe∣rie leaues, and the ioyce of hemloke and lettyse, of euery one of them .ʒ i. stampe them al in a morter, then let a sponge dryncke them vp and put it in the Sonne to drye, afterwarde lay the sponge to hys nose & he shal sleape, and when thou wylte awake hym, depe another sponge in Uine∣ger and hold it to hys nose.