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Title:  Rede me and be nott wrothe for I saye no thynge but trothe I will ascende makynge my state so hye, that my pompous honoure shall never dye. O caytyfe when thou thynkest least of all, with confusion thou shalt have a fall.
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Which noble men in stables kepe.For they are cheresed all waye / With fresshe litter and goode haye.Doynge right noght but eate and slepe.Ief.¶There is in theym grett diversite / For yf it come to extremite / They save their masters from yvill.Where as these miserable brybers / Brynge their fownders and healpers / The strayght waye to the devill.Wat.¶Are they lyke to wolves ravenous?Ief.¶A grett deale more outragious / Farre excedynge their rapacite.For though they be cruell of kynde / Yett they leave their skynnes be hynde / As a mendes for their cruelteBut this mischevous moūckry / Though they robbe every country / Whyls they be here a lyve.Yet can they not be so pleased / But after that they be deceaced / Least eny by theym shuld thryve.They cary into their sepulture / Their dayly clothynge and vesture / Buried in their churlysshe habyte.Wat.¶Have they on their botes also?Ief.¶Ye by my trothe even redy to go / To the devill withouten respyte.0