An apologie for Iohn Wickliffe shewing his conformitie with the now Church of England; with answere to such slaunderous obiections, as haue beene lately vrged against him by Father Parsons, the apologists, and others. Collected chiefly out of diuerse works of his in written hand, by Gods especiall providence remaining in the publike library at Oxford, of the honorable foundation of Sr. Thomas Bodley Knight: by Thomas James keeper of the same.
James, Thomas, 1573?-1629., Wycliffe, John, d. 1384.

The Answere.

Page  68 HE was so farre resolued in the cause of Religion, that hee was readie toy die almost for euerie Article of Religion, that he maintained against them, and so con∣stant and professed an enemie to al disfēblets & Equi∣vocators, that therefore he professeth of himself, that he treated that point more largely, because he took himselfe to be wronged in the highest degree, to haue thisz imputatiō laid vnto him, as to be calleda Magi∣ster Aequivocorū Aequivocatorum & Aequiuocorū Aequivocātiū. And he did not only thinke himself hap∣py (if it should so haue pleased God tob die for religi∣ō) but he perswaded others to the like martyrdōe, shew∣ing, that in the cause of faith, there is no dissimulatiō to be allowed. Finallie, the words I cōfesse are in Fox, but not Foxes. For he had them from Lyarc Walsingham, he is but the reporter, & you might haue had his iudg∣ment of al such writers, that he thought they did him d much wrong, by such imputations, as would easilie haue appeared, if his works were at this day extant (as thankes be to God many of them are, and more may happen to be discouered in good time) to conuince his Page  69 coniectures) to be more then probably true, and there assertions to be more then coniecturatiuely false.