The good hous-wiues treasurie Beeing a verye necessarie booke instructing to the dressing of meates. Hereunto is also annexed sundrie holsome medicines for diuers diseases.

For Tarte stuffe either Wardens, Barberies or Damsons.

TAke a faire Pipkin and fill it full of a∣ny one of them: put in two or thrée spoonfulls of faire water, then set it vpon the hot harth without any coles about it and so let them boyle while they be softe ready to straine, and then strain them in∣to a faire bason, and set them on a chafin∣dishe with coales and let them boyle and Page  [unnumbered] put in Suger, and Sinamon sufficient to swéeten them and put it into a faire glasse and so vse it as you néed.