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Title:  The soules preparation for Christ. Or, A treatise of contrition Wherein is discovered how God breaks the heart and wounds the soule, in the conversion of a sinner to Himselfe.
Author: Hooker, Thomas, 1586-1647.
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subdued, that they may have their deaths wound given them; take up that resolution of the Prophet David, I will heare what the Lord saith to my soule.Psalm. 58.8. I will not heare what the Levit saith to the Courtier, or to the commons, but I will see what the Lord saith to me. Oh (say some) the minister speakes home to such a one, he touched him to the quicke: What is that to thee? Will anothers mans salve cure thee? therefore la∣bour that the Lord may come home to thy particular, that the Lord may salve thee, and cut thee, and save thee, for thy everlasting comfort.You are wise for the things of this life, you will be content to part with any thing that may procure your comfort; if a father were now on his death bed making his will, every child would thinke, what doth my father give me? For if a man be bidden to a Feast, he is not content only to have the meate set before him, but if the ma∣ster of the feast will carve for him, he will take it kindly; Every faithfull minister is the father of the people, and they are his children, they are the Stewards of the Lords house, and give to every one their portion, terrour to whom terrour be∣longs, and comfort to whom comfort belongs.Therefore when you come into the congrega∣tion, and see the minister giving and parting to every one his doale; reproofe here, and instructi∣on there; looke up to heaven and labour to get some thing to thy owne particular, and say as Esay did in another case, something for me, Lord something for me, instruct me, reprove me, make 0