A needefull, new, and necessarie treatise of chyrurgerie briefly comprehending the generall and particuler curation of vlcers, drawen foorth of sundrie worthy wryters, but especially of Antonius Calmeteus Vergesatus, and Ioannes Tagaltius, by Iohn Banister ... Hereunto is anexed certaine experiments of mine ovvne inuention, truely tried, and daily of me practised.
Banister, John, 1540-1610.

FIrste an Oile whiche I vsed in hollowe & deepe Ulcers, whereby great commoditie ensued, ha∣uing not only vertue to mundifie without ero∣sion, but also aptly applied to hollowe ca∣ued Ulcers, within the space of foure and twenty houres, obteineth Pus perfecte of kinde, chiefly if the bodie be before prepa∣red, and the member voyde of accidentes and euill dispositions. The right making thereof must bee in the beginning of the yeare, when the force of herbes is in them fully conteined. This is the making ther∣of. viz.

Olei communis,one pound. s.
Page  71Olei Liliacei.ii. ounces.
Olei ex floribus Meliloti.i. oūce.
Olei Ipericonis.iii. ounces.
Olei Violacei.ii. ounces. s.
Terebinthinae.Venetae. ii. oūc.
Resinae purae,ana. ii. dragmes and a half.
Resinae pini.
Galbani.ii. ounces.
Opopanacis.one ounce.
Sarcocollae.iii. dragmes.
Boracis.one ounce.
Stiracis liquide.ii. dragmes. s.
Olibani.ana. three dragmes.
Succorum Plantag.ana. tvvo ounces.
& Saluiae.
Vini albi.one pounde.

Dissolue the gummes in as much good Maluesey as will couer them, and boyle them altogether (vntill the wine & iuyces be consumed) at a soft fier of Charcoale. Then streine it, and ad therto Flos aeris. tvvoo ounces, in fine poulder, and boyle it a whyle after it, and then put therto Mel. rosarum. iiii. ounces, & againe boyle it foure walmes, after that straine it, and stirre it till it be through colde, and re∣serue Page  [unnumbered] it.

It must be ministred warme in forme and maner of an iniection, a biding foure and twenty howres, till the next dressing.