The moste pleasuante arte of the interpretacion of dreames whereunto is annexed sundry problemes with apte aunsweares neare agreeing to the m atter, and very rare examples, not like the extant in the English tongue. Gathered by the former auctour Thomas Hill Londoner: and now newly imp rinted.
- Title
- The moste pleasuante arte of the interpretacion of dreames whereunto is annexed sundry problemes with apte aunsweares neare agreeing to the m atter, and very rare examples, not like the extant in the English tongue. Gathered by the former auctour Thomas Hill Londoner: and now newly imp rinted.
- Author
- Hill, Thomas, b. ca. 1528.
- Publication
- Imprinted at London :: In Fleetestreate neare to S. Dunstones Church by Thomas Marsh,
- Anno 1576.
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- Subject terms
- Dreams -- Early works to 1800.
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"The moste pleasuante arte of the interpretacion of dreames whereunto is annexed sundry problemes with apte aunsweares neare agreeing to the m atter, and very rare examples, not like the extant in the English tongue. Gathered by the former auctour Thomas Hill Londoner: and now newly imp rinted." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 15, 2024.
- title page
- To the right worshipful Mayster George Keabel Es∣quier, Thomas Hil wisheth all health and felicity.
- The Preface to the Reader.
The distinction of
- Of them which interprete dreames by the colours of the Stars, & by other accidentes.
- Certain demaundes and their answers both of sleepe and of those matters, through which, some time we dreame
- Of the opinions of phi∣sitions iu dreames.
- Of the cause of Dreames.
- Of the deuision of Dreames and order of interpretyng of thē
- Of the Authors proper opmiō about the maner of interpreting Dreames, which come by an outward cause.
- Certain briefe Dreames gathered out of the Pamph∣lettes of the wyse Salomon holye Joseph, and Daniell the Pro∣phet, with others now newlye added.