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Title:  The moste pleasuante arte of the interpretacion of dreames whereunto is annexed sundry problemes with apte aunsweares neare agreeing to the m atter, and very rare examples, not like the extant in the English tongue. Gathered by the former auctour Thomas Hill Londoner: and now newly imp rinted.
Author: Hill, Thomas, b. ca. 1528.
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To dreame that hee gathereth vppe corne newe mowen, signifieth glad∣nesse or ioye. To take honny, beware en∣nemyes. To marrye a wyfe, a greeuous sorowe. To see souldiars, signifyeth ioy. To dreame that hee seeth fishes playinge in the sea, signifyeth security. To dreame that hee clymeth or goeth vp on a moun∣tayne highe and difficulte, signifyeth dy∣minutiō or losse, To dreame that he hymselfe to be a hill or mountayne, signi∣fyeth ioy. To dreame that thou feasteste mariages, or seest singers of songes, de∣clareth sorowing, weepyng, & laboure. To dreame that he walketh bare footed, or seeth himselfe naked, signifyeth soro∣wes or great labours & trauailes. To dreame that he seeth himselfe swym and cannot, signifyeth greeuous hinderance.¶To dreame that he seeth byrds nestes, signifyeth his busynes to come to good, or happen prosperouslye to him. To finde a neaste of byrdes, signifyeth rather euill then good. To dreame that hee washeth his feete, signifyeth an expedition. To dreame that hee taketh apples, signifyth greuous anguishes of mynde. To geue 0