¶ De shiris Anglie siue prouyncijs / ¶ Capitulum 49
TAke hede that Englond conteyneth .xxxij· shyres and pro∣uynces / that now ben called Erldomis / reserued Cornewayl and the Ilondes ¶Alfr These ben the names of the Erldoms & Shyres· Kent Southsex / Sortherey. Hampshire. barokshire that hath his name of a bare ook that is in the forest of wyndesore For at that bare ooke men of that shyre were wonte come to gy∣ders and make their tretis and there take counseyl and aduys Also wildshyre that heet somtyme the prouynce of semeran So∣mersete Dorsete / deuenshire that now is called deuonia in latyn. These .ix. southshires tamyse departeth frō the other dele of englōd whiche were somtyme gouerned and Rewled by the westsaxon lawe / Estsex Myddelsex· Southe folke north folk hertfordshire. Huntyndonshyre. Northamptonshyre / Cambryggeshyre / bedford¦shyre / Buykynghamshyre Leycetre shyre Derby shyre / notyng¦hamshyre Lincolnshyre yorkshyre / Duramsihre· Northumberhand Caerlelshyre with Cumberlond Appelbisshyre with westmer∣lond lancasshyre that conteyneth fiue litil shires / These fyftene northe and eest shyres were somtyme gouerned and rewled by that lawe whiche is called denelawe / But Oxenforshire War∣wikshire. gloucestreshyre ▪ wircetre shire Herdforshire shropshire sta¦ffordshire Chestresire ¶These viij middel and west shires were