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Title:  The vertuose boke of distyllacyon of the waters of all maner of herbes with the fygures of the styllatoryes, fyrst made and compyled by the thyrte yeres study and labour of the moste co[n]nynge and famous mayster of phisyke, Master Iherom bruynswyke. And now newly translate[d] out of Duyche into Englysshe Nat only to the synguler helpe and profyte of the surgyens, phisycyens, and pothecaryes, but also of all maner of people, parfytely and in dewe tyme and ordre to lerne to dystyll all maner of herbes, to the profyte, cure, and remedy of all maner dysseases and infirmytees apparant and nat apparant. And ye shall vnderstande that the waters be better than the herbes, as Auicenna testefyeth in his fourthe conon saynge that all maner medicynes vsed with theyr substance, febleth and maketh aged, and weke. Cum gratia et preuilegio regali.
Author: Brunschwig, Hieronymus, ca. 1450-ca. 1512.
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To the eares.VEre begineth the fyfth parte whiche sheweth all maner of dis∣seases of the eares / and remedyes to the same.Agaynst defnes.ii Mlxxxvi Acxxii Dcxcv Bcxvii Ncclxv HHAgaynst syngyng or py∣pynge in the earesxvi Gxlvii Olxxxvi Acxxxix Ncxcv BAgaynst payn of the ea∣res.The fyrst chapytre Exli Hxlix MAgaynst sores or impo∣stumes in the eares.ii Mxlv Vclxxxvi MAgaynst swellyng in the eares.liiii Fxci Ocxcii Mccxii E¶For the face.HEre begynneth the syxt parte she¦wyng the dysieases of the face / & the remedyes for the same.For to make the face fay¦ce and amyablexxvi Cxxxii Hxlv BBlxxxvii Bcix Pcxxxix Hcliii Dclxii Cclxv Iclxxvi Cccxx Cccxxvi Pccxcii BFor palenes of the facexxxii Hlxxvi Fxci Mcx Ccxxxvii Lclxviii Dcclxx AAcclxxxvi Agaynst the stounces o the face.ccxcii ccxciii BAgaynst the rede pym¦ples in the face.xxiii Blxv Blxxiii Qlxxv Acxxxiiii Aclxv Gclxviii Pclxxix Gcciiii Bccvi Accviii Bcccv G¶The water of great burre rotes taken an oū¦ce and a halfe / and wa∣ter of rede roses halfe an ounce / and quycke brym stone a dragma myxced to gyder & so set a mone∣the in the son̄e / and the face therwith enoynted iii. times in a day & so let drye by hym selfe is very good for the rose or reed¦nes of the face.Agaynst spottys in the face.0