The vertuose boke of distyllacyon of the waters of all maner of herbes with the fygures of the styllatoryes, fyrst made and compyled by the thyrte yeres study and labour of the moste co[n]nynge and famous mayster of phisyke, Master Iherom bruynswyke. And now newly translate[d] out of Duyche into Englysshe Nat only to the synguler helpe and profyte of the surgyens, phisycyens, and pothecaryes, but also of all maner of people, parfytely and in dewe tyme and ordre to lerne to dystyll all maner of herbes, to the profyte, cure, and remedy of all maner dysseases and infirmytees apparant and nat apparant. And ye shall vnderstande that the waters be better than the herbes, as Auicenna testefyeth in his fourthe conon saynge that all maner medicynes vsed with theyr substance, febleth and maketh aged, and weke. Cum gratia et preuilegio regali.
Brunschwig, Hieronymus, ca. 1450-ca. 1512., Andrew, Laurence, fl. 1510-1537.

¶Water of Cowslop Cap .c.xxiiii.

HErba paralisis in latyn. The best parte & tyme of his distil∣lacyon is / the leues / the floures / with all hys substaunce in the begynnyng of the pryme tyme A The same water is good agaynste the payne in the hede comyng of colde / a cloth wet in the same and wrapped aboute the hede / cawsethe to slake the betynge & payne in the hede comyng of colde. B Two tymes dronke in a daye of the same water / at eche tyme an ounce▪ is good for the colde stomake / and warmeth the colde lyuer.

C The same water dronk in the forsayde maner / is good for women that bereth chylde.

D In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water / at eche ty∣me an oūce. puryfyeth the women in the sekenes of theyr floures E In the mornynge and at nyght wasshe the venemous bytes of bestes or other wormes / and clothes wette in the same and layde there vpon / he¦leth them F The same water vsed in the forsayd maner / heleth the bytyng of a mad dogge G The same water dronke thre or four dayes contynuynge / at eche tyme an ounce, wythdryueth the payne in the hede. H The face often wasshed therwith with dryueth the spottys & pymples ī the face / & causeth the skyn̄ to be fayre I Of the same water dronke in the mornynge & at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce. or an ounce & a halfe .viii. or .x dayes contynuyng / is good for the grauell in the limmes.