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Title:  A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the englishe tongue compacte in a matter concernyng two maner of mariages, made and set foorth by Iohn̄ Heywood.
Author: Heywood, John, 1497?-1580?
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Ye will me to a thanklesse office here.And a busy officer I maie appere.And Iak out of office she maie byd me walke.And thynke me as wise as Waltams calfe, to talke,Or chat of hir charge, hauyng therin nought to doo.How be it, if I se nede, as my parte comth to,Gladly betwene you I will doo my beste.I byd you to dyner (quoth he) as no geste,And bryng your pore neighbors on your other syde.I dyd so. And streight as tholde wife vs espide,She bad vs welcome. and merily toward me,Grene rushes for this strāger, strewe here (quoth she)With this a parte she pulde me by the sleue.Saying in few words, my mynde to you to meue,So it is, that all our great fraie the last nyght,Is forgeuen and forgotten betwene vs quight.And all fraies by this I trust haue taken ende.For I fully hope my husbande will amende.Well amended (thought I) whan ye bothe relent,Not to your owne, but eche to others mendment.Nowe if hope faile (quoth she) & chance bryng aboutAny suche breache, wherby we fall agayne out,I praie you tell hym his pars vers now and than.And wynke on me also hardly, if ye canTake me in any tryp. Quoth I, I am lothe,To meddle commonly. For as this tale gothe,Who medleth in all thyng, maie shoe the goslyng.Well (quoth she) your medlyng herein maie bryngThe wynd calme betwene vs, whā it els might rage.I will with good will (quoth I) yll wynds to swage,0