Here begynneth a lytell cronycle translated [and] imprinted at the cost [and] charges of Rycharde Pynson. by the co[m]maundement of the ryght high and mighty prince, Edwarde duke of Buckingham, yerle of Gloucestre, Staffarde, and of Northamton.
Hayton, Frère, ca. 1235-ca. 1314.

¶Whan the sarasyns entred into Syri.

IN the yere of the incarnaci¦on of our lorde .vi.C. and xxxii. yeres / the euyllsede of Ma¦homet cam into ye realme of Sy∣ri· And fyrst they toke frō the gre∣kes handes then oble citie of Da∣mas & after they ocupyed all ye re∣alme of Sirie. After they came & be seged the cytye of Antyoche. Whan themperour Eracles men were come to a playne that is na∣med Pofferit the sarasyns came and met theym / and thrre began a great batayle that lasted longe / but at the ende the sarasyns had the victory. And so many mē wer slayne in the same batayle / that ye bones yet be sene in ye felde / of the whiche thynge the grekes yt kept the citie of Antioch were so a fray¦ed in so moche that they delyuerd the lande into the sarasyns hand{is} by appoyntmētes. Than the ene∣mys of the holy faythe ocupyed / Cylice / Capadoce / Lyconie / and Page  [unnumbered] other ryche landes / wherof they rose in so great pride that they ap¦parellyd galeys and shippes and went to Constantynople / & fyrste they aryued in Cipres / and there they toke a cytie that was called Constance / & there was the graue of saynt Barnabe ye apostle / and whan they had taken all ye ryches of the sayd cytie / they brake ye wal¦les downe to the foundacion / and neuer syth the sayd citie was inha¦byted. And than they departed & came to the yle of Rhodes & toke it / with other dyuers yles of the Rhomayns landes / and brought prysoners without nombre. And after they went to Constātinople and layd therto sege bothe by see & by lande / in great fere wer the cy∣tizens in somoche that they cryed our lorde mercy / wherof it fortu∣ned god that is mercyfull sende a great tempest of wynd & rayne in that somer. That all the galeis of the sarasyns were broken and the enemis almoost all drowned / and than the sarasyns retorned with∣out doinge any other thynge.