A mysterye of inyquyte contayned within the heretycall genealogye of Ponce Pantolabus, is here both dysclosed & confuted by Iohan Bale. An, M.D.xlii. Marke in the capytall letters of this boke, the .A.B.C. with the name of the author
Bale, John, 1495-1563.

    A mysterye.
  • 1 After this brother. Came forth an other.
  • 2 His name to discusse. Menne called him husse.
  • 3 He and his cumpanye. Began in Germanye.
  • 4. He est gens que non audiuit vocer domini sui. Hiere. 2.
The openinge. 1.

EVermore doth pantolab{us} pranke forth with his pylde Popyshe Poesyes not vnlyke Iacke of Bedlem with his net full of wolle. From that bryer hath he gathe¦red that lock all tarrye / and from that thor∣ne that patche all dryseled. Lete him that hath eyther lerninge or witt / marke what dyrtye gete this is / and from what good au∣thors Page  12 borrowed. The grounde therof was first taken out of Pope Benedyct the .xiii. po¦pe Gregorye the .xii. and Pope Iohan the .xxiii. all thre deposed at ones in the gene∣rall counsell of Cōstance / & out of the cowy∣she actes and proclamacyons of Pope Mar∣tyne the fift which after supplied their rome there vpon the seate of the beast in the dar∣ke kyngedom of Anticrist or the chayre of pe¦stylence whether ye wyll. Here is the name of a brother most scornefullye vsed / whiche is in the scripturs both holye and preciouse And no maruele. For crist sayd there shuld come soche swyne as wolde treade the fayre pearles vndre their fete / and soche dogges also as wolde turne ageyne & teare his true disciples. The chefe cause of it is / that his hipocrites eyes can abyde no light. But lete him not thinke so to auoyde the great indig∣nacion of God / nor yet anye other soche scor¦ner as he is.

2 Iohan Husse that holye Apostle and true Martyr of Iesus Christ / moche pyteyn¦ge to se y churche so wretchedlye deformed with hypocresye / pryde / Idolatrye / & other abhominaciōs of Anticrist / after he had sum what perseyued therof by the doctrine of Io∣han Wyclef / put forth his owne bodye to y crosse for it / to suffre the death yf nede shuld require it. The pure lawe of the Gospell wa the scripturs of both testamētes ded he most constantlye preache to the pople of Boheme Page  [unnumbered] ageynst that kyngdom of wyckednesse / dete∣stinge all errours / heresyes / & scysmes. His conuersacion was accordinge to his instruc¦cyons / perfight and holye. Not onlye by the report of .liiii. noble menne of the lande of Morania / but also by the testimonye of his enemyes / Pope Pius otherwyse called Ee as Siluius / Pogius the Florentyne / Plati∣na / Sabellicus / and soche other. In the opē counsell of Constance spared not he to con∣fesse y true fayth of his Lorde Iesus Christ to the deathe / and was at the last condemp∣ned thervnto at the suggestions of the Do∣minick fryres & other vnlerned sophisters. He sayd that it behoued the Bysshoppes & clergie to be poore after the exāple of christ and not so to fyue in pryde an voluptuous∣nesse. And this was the onlye artycle wher¦for he was brent there to ashes / though the papistes hath practised other.

3 What Pantolab{us} meaneth by that cū¦panye of his which begāne in Germanye / I can not tell / vnlesse they be the Hussytes as the wytlesse Papistes doth call them. I kno∣we wele that both the Apostles and Prophe¦tes were of that opinion / yet were they no Germanes borne. Nomore dishonour is it to the most worihye lande of Germanye to be∣scornefullie dispraysed of pantolabus / than it is vnto golde to be bespryncled with swy∣nes dyrt. Consideringe that after the myn∣de of Seneca it is so fylthye a thinge to be cōmēded of him that is vyle / as to be cōmen∣ded Page  13 for fylthynesse. But this maketh me gre¦atlye to wondre. That so manye heretiques beynge afore this tyme / as were Hebion / Ce¦rinthus / Carpocras / Marcion / Basilides / Arrius / Cerdo / Pelagius / Eunomius / Ne∣stori{us} / Dioscor{us} / Etices / Sabin{us} / Faust{us} / Donat{us} / Heluidi{us} / Manes / Montan{us} / No∣uat{us} / Porphiri{us} / Petulian{us} / Sabelli{us} / Sergi¦us / Simach{us} / Vigilanci{us} / Valens / Macedo¦ni{us} / Artemon / Symon Mag{us} / & a great nā∣bre besydes / which were heretyques indede blasphemige the godhede & diuinite of crist besydes his humanite & deathe / yet is there not one of them in all this Genealogie.

The cause parauēture whye he towcheth them not is this. They were for y more part Bysshoppes & great Prelates / whose quarel he hath here takē vpon him to defende & not so to blemishe. There were in the olde lawe yll sectes / as Pharisees / Saducees / Herody¦anes / & Samaritanes. And in the new law also Saracenes / Turkes / Iewes / & Iacoby¦nes. There hath bene Popes which hath be¦ne poyseners / Byshoppes that hath bē baw¦des / Prests that hath ben trayters / fryres / monkes / & chanōs which hath bene hypocri¦tes / socerers / & sodomites / & that in a won∣derful nōbre / yet is there not one regestred in all this generacion of heresye. Not one heretyque is yet here named / but poore Io∣han Wyclef & Iohan Husse / of all the hereti¦ques that hath bene sens christes ascensiō. Page  [unnumbered] And they are here regestred because they we¦re the Popes vtter enemies. If anye other heresyes than that had moued the stomake of Pantolabus / all the other coude not thus haue bene left out. But a manne maye smell the tree by the frute. He that seyth not some light at this hoole / is wurthye to be blynde alwayes. It wyll not awaye (they saye) that is bred by the bone. Full swete vnto them is that holye father of theirs.

4 The clause of Hieremye that he hath here vnto annexed / Hee est gēs que non au∣diuit vocem dominisui / is not there writen in the seconde Chapter. And yf it were / yet wolde it not serue to proue that Husse and his cumpanye beganne in Germanye / nor yet that the Germanes neglected the voice of God whan they forsoke the Pope. For the Pope is not their Lorde. But in dede this text is in that Chapter. Tenentes legem / nescierunt me. They which haue the lawe in their handes knoweth me not. They ha∣ue walked after their owne fantasies / & are now become all vayne. They haue defyled my pleasaunt lande (sayth the Lorde) & tur∣ned myne heretage into abhominaciō. The prestes haue dishonoured me / and the prea∣chers haue done their homage vnto Baall. They haue forsaken me the well of lyuinge water / and dygged them broken pyttes that wyll holde no moystre. They haue called y stocke their father / and the stone their crea∣tor. Page  14 They haue stayned my wayes with blas¦phemie / thei haue taught their owne maly∣cyouse mischefe / and vpon their winges is founde the blood of innocēt sowles. All this with moche more is in that seconde chapter of Hieremie / yet coude it not serue the purpo¦se of Pantolabus / but he must brynge forth a text of his own makinge ageynst the Ger¦manes / bycause they haue not obeyed the Pope.