A mysterye of inyquyte contayned within the heretycall genealogye of Ponce Pantolabus, is here both dysclosed & confuted by Iohan Bale. An, M.D.xlii. Marke in the capytall letters of this boke, the .A.B.C. with the name of the author
Bale, John, 1495-1563.

    A mysterye.
  • 1 On his ryght syde Vvas also tyed.
  • 2 A brother of his One garretyvvys.
  • 3 Vna enim cachena tenebrarum colli∣gati erant. Eccle. 17.
Page  [unnumbered] ¶The openinge. 1.

Excedinge hote and modye is this mā¦ne styll in his matters / and wyll not haue done with Barnes yet for a lyt∣tle. He now describeth his standinge in the fyre betwixt Garade and Hierom. But he telleth not which of his own generacion hin¦ge that daye in the myddes / of powell / Abell & fetherstō. No / that pleased him not so wele as this. For these were fryndes to his holy father of Rome / where as they were enemi∣es. His eye syght therfor serued him not so wele vpon this syde as vpon that syde. The Popes enemies are the onlye heretiques in his Genealogye here / and not the enemyes of Christ and his kynge. Be that farre from him to iudge those good vertuouse fathers of holye churche any heretyques. No / I wa∣rande you / Cardinall Pole / fryre Peto / fryre Buckenham / & other ranke papistes abrode / are yet non heretyques with him / but relygi¦ouse vpholders of that holye mother of his the churche of Rome. Truthe it is that Tho¦mas Garade a bachelar of diuinite and per¦son of honye lane / was tyed to that poste v∣pon his ryght syde / for preachinge ageynst Antichrist. And that ded Christ afore tyme promise hī in Peter for a rewarde / yf he wol∣de be a preacher in his kyngedome. Whan thu wert yonge (sayth he) thu gyrdedst thy¦selfe / & walkedst at thy pleasure. But whan thu art olde / thu shalt streche forth thy han¦des / Page  66 and an other shall gyrde the / leadynge the contrarye to thy mynde. And therfore this was vnto him a promysed rewarde of his master / which had no better of the worl∣de his selfe.

2 If Garade were a brother of Barnes / of a lykelyhode he was non than of Panto∣lab{us} brotherhede / as were Abell & Powell. For yf he were / he wolde nor regestre him for an heretyque. But I putt the case that Garade & Barnes both be now of that bre∣therhede which God the father hath allo∣wed for his sonne Iesus sake / as it is most lyke to be so. For that heretage in Christ is not promysed vnto them which lyue here in wanton pleasurs and are murtherers in cō∣tempt of the Christen veryte / but vnto tho∣se despysed disciples that are persecuted & scorned / and that suffre death for thesame. What shall become than of Pantolab{us} and soche other disciples of Antichrist / which hath with so villenouse spyght refused that bretherhede / yt is easye to cōiecture / yf they deolye repent not in tyme. Happye is Tho∣mas Garade that euer he was borne. Not onlye in that he taught Christ here for an onlye sauer without the mangye merytes of menne / but also in that he hath with his owne dere lyfe / sealed as a sure wytnesse vn¦to the same agaynst Antichrist. This singu¦lar profyght hath he all redye gotten therby That he shall from henceforth neyther hon∣ger Page  [unnumbered] nor thirst / and that God hath wyped awaye all teares from his eyes. Neuer mo∣re shall he tast of death / of losses / nor yet of sorowes / for the first sorowes are past. Now is he sure to be allowed for a fre cytezen in the newe Hierusalem / whan his lorde shall sytt in the regeneracion.

3 Pantolabus yet styll to conferme his doctryne with blasphemyes and lyes / alle∣geth here the .xvii. chapter of Ecclesiastes / otherwyse called the preacher / and the who∣le boke hath nomore but .xii. chapters in all. I warande yow the manne meaneth sum∣what by it. In dede this clause: Vna enim cathena tenebrarum colligati erant / is in y xvii. chapter of Sapience. But I maruele sore where omnes is become. He was sure∣lye layed asyde for some cloynynge purpose. That chapter is all togyther of the sore iud∣gementes of God / concernynge the Egyp∣cyanes. They were all bounde (sayth the wyse manne) with one cheane of darkenesse. And this was for that they thought styll to haue in subieccion his holye people. Saint Iohan sayth in the Apocalyps that youre spirituall cye or holye mother churche is now that Egypt and Sodome. I praye God ye do not condempne him for an heretyque. He sayth there also that ye shulde in youre firetes throwe forth the bodyes of the lor∣des wytnesses / but ye shulde not suffre them to be layed in graues. Me thynketh he is Page  67 there verye playne with you / and towcheth you sumwhat nyghlye. The wyse manne in the same chapter of yours appoynted oute youre generacion / & gaue ye a lawfull war∣nynge / sayenge there afore. Propter hoc in∣disciplinate anime errauerunt / &c. for this cause onlye do menne erre / that they will not be reformed (lorde) by thy wysdome. For that shall they be wrapped in the cheances of longe darkenesse. Their sorceryes and in∣chantmētis shall come to derisyon / & their proude wysdom shall be brought to shame.