The equall vvayes of God tending to the rectifying of the crooked wayes of man. The passages whereof are briefly and clearly drawne from the sacred Scriptures. By T.H.
Hayne, Thomas, 1582-1645.
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The contents of the severall CHAPTERS.

IN Chap. 1. Are set downe foure generall po∣sitions concerning Gods dealing with man. Con∣clusions deduced thence.

Chap. 2. Positions shewing more particularly what cuse God on his own part takes to bring man to salvation. Conclusions thence.

Chap. 3. What course & order God prescribes on Mans part to be taken; and practised by them, on whom he conferres salvation. Conclusions thence.

Chap. 4. Our salvation is of the Lord of his meere mercy, & is effected by his powerfull work in us. Conclusions thence.

Chap. 5. Mans perdition is of himselfe, and first by default of Rulers apostate from God, as of Cain, Nimrod, Jeroboam, &c. before Christs time; of the Jewes Rulers, of the Pope, of the Turk, &c. since Christ: So as yet such as be under them and fol∣low their steps die in and for their owne sins. Conclu∣sions thence.

Chap. 6. In the second place mans perdition is of himselfe, by each mans owne default, where Rulers and teachers doe their duties. Conclusions thence. Lastly, conclusions from the former and this last chapter jointly considered.