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Title:  Hezekiahs recovery. Or, A sermon, shevving what use Hezekiah did, and all should make of their deliverance from sicknesse. First preached, and now published by Robert Harris, pastor of Hanwell
Author: Harris, Robert, 1581-1658.
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blessings: nay, whats the World made of but blessings? V. Basil in Iulit. Mart. Heavens, Starres, Fire, Ayre, Water, Earth, with all in the one, with all in the other blessings; all things blessings, all persons bles∣sings, all estates blessings, all times blessings, as S. Paul discourseth, 1. Cor. 3. ult. Now when the Lord doth so lade us with benefites, and that dai∣ly, shall not wee be thankefull? Blesse, saith our Saviour, when you are cursed; and shall wee not blesse being thus blessed?All this while I speake nothing of spirituall blessings; indeed no tongue can reach them: we can close them all within one word, one syllable, God hath given us Christ; but what a gift is that? In him he hath given us a new world: the olde world was forfeyted in a day; De jure. house, ground, fur∣niture, all forfeited in Adam: then came in the promised seed, the blessed seed Christ, and in him all things are made new; new heavens, new earth, new Church, 2. Cor. 5.17. new tenure, all things renewed, bet∣tered with infinite advantage to us, but cost to Christ: What a thing was that, for the Creator to become a creature, for life to dye, for happiness to weepe, for glory to be buffeted, for immortali∣tie to bee buried! O Lord Christ, who would have done thus for an enemie, for a friend, besides thy selfe? But tis done; hee was made flesh, seene of angels, slain of men, laid in grave, raised to glo∣rie, and we are now redeemed, justified, sanctified, glorified in him. Redeemed, justified, sanctified, glorified! what words be these: what things? No man, no Angell can conceive the worth of these 0