Tvvo sermons preached before the Kings most excellent Maiesty in the church of Beauly in Hampshire The first, the last of August. The second, the 9. of August. By Christopher Hampton Doctor of Diuinitie.
Hampton, Christopher, 1552-1625.
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To the right honourable Henrie, Earle of SOVTHAMPTON, Baron of TICHEFIELD, Knight of the most ho∣nourable Order of the Garter, and Gouernour of the Isle of WIGHT.

BEhold (right honourable) the Sermons now publish∣ed, which were pronoun∣ced by your Lordships ap∣pointment, in a very sa∣cred presence. The grati∣ous allowance which then they receiued from a roy∣all diuine, giueth me hope that they will not be vn∣welcome to the Church, entertaining all meditati∣ons with facilitie, that aduance Christ, her Bride∣groome, Patron, and delight. What was intended in them to this purpose, he knoweth best that know∣eth all things: If any thing be attained, that shall alwaies be ascribed thankfully to his goodnesse, and submitted willingly to her censure. With this obe∣dience Page  [unnumbered] I haue determined to liue, and desire to die. In the meane time, they come abroad vnder the passe also of your Lordships authoritie, as of my ho∣nourable Magistrate. Were they iust volumes, and of any great request, your Lordship were more than worthy of them, for that heroiacall zeale wherewith you haue adorned our little Sarepta. Now making scarse a pamphlet, they are the lesse worthy of a no∣ble patron: But I haue had true experience that your Lordship accepteth the poore indeuours of our ministerie aboue their worth. Therefore recom∣mending them to your Lordships good fauour, and your Lordship to the riches of Gods blessing, I take my leaue with reuerence, and will rest

Your Lordships most affectionately deuoted, CHRISTOPHER HAMPTON.