The first two partes of the actes or vnchast examples of the Englysh votaryes gathered out of their owne legenades and chronycles by Johan Bale ...
Bale, John, 1495-1563.

¶ A spirytuall example of a votarye.

SAint Iltute,* or Elcute, which had bene alwayes a moste valeaunte captayne amonge the Brytaynes, at the suggestion of saint Cadoc an Her∣mite, put from him his moste vertuouse and chast wyfe, leauyng her nothing els to lyue vpon, but barly breade and wa∣ter on homelye repast for her that hadde bene a lady and tenderly brought vp. And as she on a tyme resorted vnto him only to haue heard the swete worde of the Lorde,* her comminge thydre so sore discontented hys mynde, that with a charme he put out both her eyes. For I an certayn, it came by no Godly po∣wer, (he beinge ledde of so Godly a spre∣te. If this be saynt Paules learning,* a man so miserably to leaue his wife, and so vngodly to vse her for axynge good counsell, I report me to yow. Yet must Page  [unnumbered] he be still a saynt in the Popes holy chur∣che, bycause he was a tiraunt to marriage for non other holynesse had he. Such sayn¦tes recken I more fit for hell than for hea∣uen. Wele, this story hath also Iohā Cap¦graue in Catalogo sanctorum Anglye.