Salomons diuine arts, of 1. Ethickes, 2. Politickes, 3. Oeconomicks that is; the gouernment of 1. Behauiour, 2. Common-vvealth, 3. Familie. Drawne into method, out of his Prouerbs & Ecclesiastes. With an open and plaine paraphrase, vpon the Song of songs. By Ioseph Hall.
Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656.
Page  88

§. 2.
  • Modestie
    • In words
      • what it requires: that they be few, sea∣sona∣ble.
      • what it profits
        • argues wisedome,
        • giues safetie.
    • In actions.
  • Contrarie to it,
    • Loquacitie,
    • Ill speech,
    • Immoderate mirth.

*THe modest (for wordes) is a man of a pretious spirit, that refraineth his lippes,* and spareth his words.* The wordes of a modest man are like deepe waters, and the welspring of wis∣dome like a flowing riuer: but when he doth speak, it is to purpose; for,* The mouth of the iust shalbe fruitfull in wisdom:* & the lips of the righteous do feed many, yea himself;* A man shalbe satiate with Page  89 good things by the fruite of his mouth;* & with the fruit of a mans mouth his belly shal be satisfied: but still bee speaketh sparingly;* A wise man concealeth know∣ledge,* and a man of vnder∣standing will keepe silence:* which as it argues him wise (for euen a foole when hee holdeth his peace is counted wise; and hee that stoppeth his lippes, as prudent); so it giues him much safetie.* Hee that keepeth his mouth, and his tongue, keepeth his foule from affliction; yea, he keepeth his life;* where contrari∣ly, The mouth of the foole is in the multitude of wordes,* it bab∣bleth out foolishnesse;* as it is fedde with it:* neither hath hee Page  90 any delight in vnderstanding, but that which his heart discoue∣reth;* and while he bewrayeth it, The heart of fooles publisheth his foolishnesse: And as he mul∣tiplieth words,* so in many words there cannot want iniquity:* his mouth (still) babbleth euill things;* * for either he speaketh fro∣ward things,* or how to lie in wait for blood, or in the mouth of the foolish is the rod of pride;* And what is the issue of it? He that o∣peneth his mouth,* destruction shall bee to him.* And hee that hath a naughty tongue shall fall into euill;* for, both it shall be cut out,* and the frowardnesse of it is the breaking of the heart. Lastly,* A fooles mouth is his owne de∣struction, Page  91 and his lips are a snare for his soule.

For Actions:* The modest shall haue honour: And tho wee need not say, Of laughter,* thou art mad, & of ioy, what is this thou doest;* yet Anger is better then laughter, for by a sadde looke the heart is made better.* The heart of the wise, therefore, is in the house of mourning, but the heart of fooles is in the house of mirth. Reioyce then,* O yong man, in thy youth, and let thine heart cheere thee in the dayes of thy youth, & walke in the wayes of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes; but know, that for all these things God will bring thee to iudgement.