Salomons diuine arts, of 1. Ethickes, 2. Politickes, 3. Oeconomicks that is; the gouernment of 1. Behauiour, 2. Common-vvealth, 3. Familie. Drawne into method, out of his Prouerbs & Ecclesiastes. With an open and plaine paraphrase, vpon the Song of songs. By Ioseph Hall.
Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656.

§. 2. Of wis∣dome; the
  • Description,
  • Effectes. It procures
    • Knovvledge:
      • safety
        • from sinne,
        • from iudgemēt.
      • good di∣rection
        • for actions,
        • for words.
    • Wealth, Honor, Life.

THe prudent man is he, whose eyes are in his head to see all ihings, and to foresee;* and whose heart is at his right hand to doe all dextrouslie, and with iudgement.* * VVisedome dwelles with Pru∣dence Page  24 and findeth forth know∣ledge, and counsels. And to de∣scribe it:* The wisedome of the Prudēt is to vnderstand his way; his owne;* If thou bee wise, thou shalt be wise for thy selfe: An ex∣cellent vertue.* for Blessed is the man that findeth wisedome, and getteth vnderstandinge:* The merchandise thereof is better then the merchandise of siluer,* and the gaine thereof is better then golde:* It is more precious then pearles, and all the things that thou canst desire are not to bee compared to her.* Length of dayes are in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and glory:* Her wayes are wayes of pleasure, and all her pathes pro∣speritie: Page  25 Shee is a tree of life to them that laie holde on her,* and blessed is he that receiueth her. The fruites of it are singular: for, first, A wise heart doth not only seeke, but get knowledge,* with∣out which the minde is not good;* & the eare of the wise, learning;* and not get it onely but lay it vp,* and not so onely but workes by it; and yet more, is crowned with it.* Besides knowledge, heere is safety.* When wisdome entreth into thy heart, and knowledge deligh∣teth thy soule, then shall coun∣sell preserue thee,* and vnder∣standing shall keep thee:* and de∣liuer thee from the euil way, and from the man that speaketh fro∣ward things,* and from them that Page  26 leaue the wayes of righteous∣nesse, to walke in the wayes of darkenesse: and as from sinne, so from iudgement.* The way of life is on hy to the Prudent, to avoid from hell beneath. Thirdly, good direction.* 1. For actions; Wisdom causeth to walke in the waie of righteousnes, and in the mids of the paths of iudgement: 2. For words,* The hart of the wise gui∣deth his mouth wisely, and ad∣deth doctrine to his lips; So that the words of the mouth of a wise man haue grace:* yea, he receiues grace from others. Either Instruct, or reprooue the Prudent,* and he wil vnderstand knowledge. Not to speake of wealth;* shee causeth them that loue hir to inherit sub∣stance, Page  27 and filleth their treasures: she giueth not onely honor: for the wisdome of a man doth make his face to shine,* & the wiseman shal inherit glory; but life:* Vnderstan∣ding is a wel-spring of life to him that hath it; and he that findeth me (sayth wisdome) findeth life,* and shall obtaine fauour of the Lord. Wherfore Get wisdom;* get vnderstanding; forget not, nei∣ther decline from the words of my mouth. Forsake her not,* and she shall keep thee; loue her, & she shall preserue thee. Wisdom is the beginning;* get wisedome therfore, & aboue all possessions get vnderstanding:* Exalt her and shee shall exalt thee: Shee shall bring thee vnto honour, if thou Page  28 embrace her:* shee shall giue a goodly ornament to thine head; yea, she shall giue thee a crowne of glorie: