Salomons diuine arts, of 1. Ethickes, 2. Politickes, 3. Oeconomicks that is; the gouernment of 1. Behauiour, 2. Common-vvealth, 3. Familie. Drawne into method, out of his Prouerbs & Ecclesiastes. With an open and plaine paraphrase, vpon the Song of songs. By Ioseph Hall.
Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656.
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TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE, MY Singular good Lord & Patron, EDVVARD Lord Denny, Baron of Waltham, All Grace & Happinesse.


WHen I would haue with∣drawen my hand from di∣uine Salomon: the hea∣uenly elegance of this his best Song drewe me vnto it; and would not suffer me to take off mine eies, or pen. Who can read it with vnderstanding, & not bee transported from the world; Page  [unnumbered] from himselfe? and be any other where, saue in heauen, before his time? I had rather spende my time in admiration, then Apology: Surely, heere is nothing that sauours not of extasie, and spiritu∣all rauishment; neither was there euer so high and passionate a speculation de∣liuered by the spirit of God, to mankind: which by how much more diuine it is, by so much more difficult: It is wel, if these mysteries can be found out by searching. Two things make the Scriptures hard: Prophecies, Allegories; both are met in this: but the latter so sensibly to the wea∣kest eyes, that this whole Pastoral-mari∣age-song (for such it is) is no other then one Allegory sweetly continued: where the deepest things of God are spoken in riddles, how can there be but obscurity & diuers construction? All iudgements will not (I know) subscribe to my senses; yet I haue beene fearefull and spiritual∣ly nice in my choice, not often dissenting Page  [unnumbered] from all interpreters; alwaies, from the vnlikeliest. It would bee too tedious to giue my account for euery line: let the learned scanne and iudge. What-euer o∣thers censures be, your Honours was fa∣uourable; and (as to all mine) full of loue and incouragement. That, there∣fore, which it pleased you to allow from my penne, vouchsafe to receiue from the Presse; more common, not lesse deuoted to you. What is there of mine that doth not ioy in your name, and boast it selfe in seruing you? To whose soule and people, I haue long agone addicted my selfe, and my labours; and shall euer continue

Your Lordships, in all hum∣ble & vnfained dutie, IOS. HALL.