The actes of Englysh votaryes comprehendynge their vnchast practyses and examples by all ages, from the worldes begynnynge to thys present yeare, collected out of their owne legendes and chronycles by Iohan Bale. ...
Bale, John, 1495-1563.

¶Englysh monkes become Anti∣christes Apostles.

IN those dayes the mōkes of Eng¦lande were becomen so myghtye in superstycyouse lernynge,* that they were able to peruert all other chri∣sten regyons, as they ded than in dede. Some of them went into Germanye, so∣me into Fraunce, some into Italye and Spayne, and became the Popes instru∣mentes Page  [unnumbered] of all falshed, falshyonynge hym vp there a newe kyngedome of all deuy∣lyshnesse to withstande the manyfest glo¦rye of God, and subduynge therunto all pryncelye Powers. Yow that are exercy¦sed in Chronycles and Sayntes Lyues, marke for that age what ys written of Columbanus, Colomannus, Totimannus, Vue∣nefridus, Vuilibrordus,*Vuilibaldus, Vuenebal¦dus, Burghardus, kilianus, Vuigbertus, Egber¦tus, Heuualdus the whyght and the blacke, Etto, Bertuuinus, Eloquius, Lullius, Lebuinus, Liuinus, Ioānes, Embertus, Gallus, Gaudus, Ga¦abaldus, Gregorius, Megingolus, Sturmio, and a great sort more with their women, and ye shall se in them practyses won∣derfull. I wyll geue ye out one here bre∣uelye for an example, for to moche yt we¦re to write of them all.* Wenefridus was admytted of Pope Gregorye the secon∣de, for the Archebyshop of Magunce & great Apostle of all Germanye, and for hys bolde countenaunce was of hym na∣med Bonifacius.* In London was he first borne, and professed a blacke Monke at Cissancestre (now called Chichestre) vndre abbot wolfharde. After the gre∣at Synode holden at London by the afo¦re named Brithwalde,* about the yeare of our Lorde .DCC. and .x.* where as prestes Marryage was iudged forny∣cacyon, and the honourynge of Images Page  46 accepted for a christen relygyon.* Daniel than Byshopp of Wynchestre, sent thys wenefride to Rome with hys letters of commendacyon for hys manfulnesse the¦re shewed. Iohannes Capgraue. et Georgius Vuicelius in Hagiologo de sanctis ecclesie.