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Title:  Christian moderation In two books. By Jos: Exon.
Author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656.
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is not a quiver of sharpe, and bit∣ter words.Psal. 64.3. It is here, as it is in that rule of Law; The breach of peace is begun by menacing, increased by menacing, but finished by this battery of the tongue.Hspin. de festis Ethnic. Where∣in wee are like those Egyptians of whom the Historian speakes; who having begun their devoti∣on with a fast, whiles the Sacri∣fice was burning, fell upon each others with blowes, which having liberally dealt on all hands, at last they sat downe to their feast: thus doe we; after profes∣sions of an holy zeale,Ex utraque prte suut qui pugare cuptus Cic. Tyroni suo Epist. l. 16. wee doe mercilesly wound each other with reproaches, and then sit downe, and enjoy the content∣ment of our supposed victory. Every provocation sets us on, 0