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Title:  Christian moderation In two books. By Jos: Exon.
Author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656.
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is worthy of his place in the Church; Let the Church receive her Orthodoxe Bishop. It is worthy of immortall me∣mory, that wee finde reported of Athanasius: There was a great quarrell betwixt the Easterne, & Westerne Churches, about the Persons and subsistences in the Deity; each upbraided other with heresie: The Westerne would professe three Persons in the bles∣sed Trinity; but would not en∣dure to heare of three Subsisten∣ces; and were thereupon by the Easterne Churches, censured for suspition of Sabellianisme: Con∣trarily, the Easterne would yeeld three subsistences, but would not abide three Persons, and were therefore accused by the 0