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Title:  Christian moderation In two books. By Jos: Exon.
Author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656.
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children in the state of in∣nocence,Ibid. q. 89. whether they should immediatly upon their birth, have had the use of their limmes, and members, for their present provision, as other creatures have? Others; whether in that first estate there should have been more males or females, borne? Others what space there was betwixt the Creation of Angels and man,Ibid. memb. 11.Ams. e resist. gra∣tia. c. 8. Melact. polog. ad∣vers. Pri. Sophil. and their fall? Thus a Peter Lombard is devising a distinction betwixt moo quodam, and quodam modo; and a Io: Maior disputed whether a man may equitare fine equo;Suid. v. Matreas. and Matreas (as Suidas hath it) in a Poeme that he frames of Aristo∣tles doubts; makes this one, How the Sunne should in his setting go downe into the Ocean, 0